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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: sound design video clip on MatrixBrute  (Read 1651 times)


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sound design video clip on MatrixBrute
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:57:32 pm »
Hi all and Hi Arturia!

at 99% I'll buy this "big Beast" but before release maybe will be cool to hear some final patch from your sound designers!
the clip on youtube from NAMM was great, but not enough to make me (and maybe other guys) choose at 110% your synth!

Hear a clip with just some lead, bass, pad, drone, crazysound... that will be great!
(I've a microbrute, I know the sounds.. but better to hear once more before buy 2k EUR ;) )

2nd thing: there will be a patch manager (PC/MAC) i presume... there will be also the possibility to share with other MatrixBrute owner the patches?

Try to make this life psychedelic... with the music!


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