I'm a newbie of this forum.
I would like to promote the new album of my good friend
Deadrow77 "Dark Waves For Little greys", which contains 29 instrumental tracks
exclusively composed on his MiniLab 25 with the default sound bank/presets.

I have made the mixage of all the tracks on my computer, with internal effects plugins. This is not 100% of the initial MiniLab sounds, but they stay very reconizable.
You can listen the full album here:
http://facthedrals-hall.bandcamp.com/album/dark-waves-for-little-greys"Chronological collection of a series of spontaneous improvisations completely played on a MiniLab 25 (Arturia). The majority of tracks are recorded in a single take. One second touch & tint follows itself then, according to the agent mixer which gets back the sessions, for the most intuitive possible sound fiddling. Narcissists’ strange & curious anthology of uncontrolable, compulsive & convulsive needs, to try to congeal under a desinhibited clumsiness the risky interpretation of the present moment, in the fault the atmospheres, the emotions & feelings of the moment. They are photos, snapshots, Polaroids seized in the air, & stolen from their seizure. Scenographic, not festive & not dance music, to listen to the night or in the dark, rather with headphones & blindly."This album is out in double CD on my label Facthedral's Hall. If you are interested by a physical copy, you can order it here:
http://www.facthedral.comThanks by advance for your comments!!!