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Author Topic: Support is terrible  (Read 4594 times)


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Support is terrible
« on: January 09, 2016, 05:58:16 pm »
Why is Arturia support so bad? Why is my case closed before anyone actually answers the question?

Since October 2015 I have been trying to get a replacement for an in-warranty Microbrute that was dead. Started a case on Arturia's site, and after a LONG process of troubleshooting all the obvious stuff I already did, and a LONGER process of getting an RMA #, I shipped the unit off.

I have postal confirmation that it arrived, but since then - nothing. No replacement unit has arrived, and no one has responded to requests. This is not acceptable. I know I am not alone, which makes it even worse.

All I want is some communication here... is that so difficult? I was even trying to be sensitive about this because my return occurred during the time period of the Paris attacks, and I know Arturia is a French company, so there might be some delay and this is certainly not the end of the world. But even with that sensitivity, I have been treated like crap.

Please tell your friends... unless they want to spend literally HOURS in tech support madness, avoid Arturia products!


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Re: Support is terrible
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2016, 01:11:09 am »
I can agree, on my mind there is at least couple questions about various plugins with longtime bugs\issues (in matrix,modular v), and it seems support ceased to respond in software forum. Also last updates was in autumn 2015. Perhaps it related with latest arturia hardware projects, but very sad such attitude of software support.
I hope someday they will return. )


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