The manual says that double clicking an OSC knob will reset it to the default (no detuning). I read it to use the left button. But that doesn't work. Double clicking with the left button works the same as single click. Only when I use the right button something happens. In this case the coarse tuning is reset, but not the fine tuning. Which means I have to fiddle endlessly with the mouse to get back to in-tune.
PS: Things were better if the knob would react slower to mouse movements while holding the shift key.
For me all volume knobs reset to 0 db, and all the tuning knobs reset to 0 including the fine tuning in the OSC tuning knobs, when i double click.
Off coarse the value can change if you move the mouse while you have clicked down.
Actually it don't seem to matter if i'm using left or right mousebuttons. Even a click on each do the same no matter the order.
In generel for all synths etc.., i think i would be nice if it also was possible to reset all single parameters to the value saved with the preset, and if there was a total reset button to reset to the saved preset values for all parameters, in a way that can be done fast live or by automation just like a single tweek of a single parameter and without selecting the preset again. I suggest this is being created for all synths etc.
I second your PS suggestion.