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Author Topic: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING  (Read 6311 times)


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BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« on: December 29, 2015, 04:56:02 pm »
I have the Koma attenuator cables plugged into my Beatstep Pro, connected to patch cables, going into my Moog Werkstatt-01. I'm not having much luck, I'm quite new to CV. Here's how I have made the connections (following youtube demos):
BSP Pitch going to VCO EXP FM IN
BSP Velocity going to GATE OUT
BSP Gate going to EG OUT

This seems counter intuitive to me, sending out information to the Werkstatt outs, but that is what people are doing on YouTube;


I would really appreciate some help.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 05:33:22 pm by synthestisia »


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2015, 08:56:38 pm »

Half success. I'm able to get tones to play through the Werkstatt by playing the BSP's pads, but it's not in tune whatsoever. Very frustrating being this close, yet so far. If anyone has pointers, please share.  :(

I thought this would be way more simple than this.


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2015, 07:44:06 am »
Doesn't the Werkstatt (strange name for an American synth) have a patch bay that only accepts bare wires?  Pretty much the reason I don't own one that is.

That aside, the basic connections you need to make for the BSP to control your Moog and the setting on each for it to work:

First open MCC on your computer and connect your BSP.
In the global setting area on the right of MCC go to the CV/GATE MODE settings.
Set "Seq1 Pitch" to "V/Oct"
Set "Seq1 Gate" to "V-trig" (this is different to usual Moog trigger settings but that is because the Werkstatt doesn't have a trig in)

Apparently the Workstatt needs to be calibrated to work correctly, so do that, I guess the directions for that are on the Werkstatt site somewhere.

BSP CV out => VCO Exp IN [The Workstatt VCO responds to -5/+5v, 1v/oct]
BSP Velocity out => Gate Out [Here is where you may need to use your cable.  I know from my experience the drum gates are a bit low but not sure on the sequencer gates]

The 3rd connection I'm not sure on.  I'm getting my info from an SOS article about the synth (and am again considering buying one because of it).  http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/mar15/articles/moog-werkstatt.htm
It mentions the why's and wherefores of the odd connections.  The author tells of connecting his Werkstatt to his old CV synths.  It only speaks of two CV signals to control the Werkstatt.

I've basically found the parts of the article that applies to your situation and reworded them.  Have a read yourself, it's a great article.

And get back to us all on how you go!
Currently running https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1311723 / www.modulargrid.net, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2015, 03:56:28 pm »
You can buy a CV expander board for the Werkstatt so that you can use ordinary 1/8" patch cables. It seems I may have to do something with my Werkstatt to get this setup to work properly, my patch cables are in the right places, and my MCC settings are correct. I'm going to call Moog and see if they have suggestions, but I'll check their website first to see what I can learn there. Thanks for the resources, I'm reading the soundonsound article now.

Here is the page describing how to adjust the Werkstatt, but it's a bit over my head. I don't know how to do all this, specifically sending a 0 or a +3 VDC signal to my Werkstatt.


To calibrate, play the lowest note on the Werkstatt-01 keyboard,
and set the VCO FREQ knob near the center position. Send a
0 VDC signal to the VCO EXP FM IN jack.  The VCO in this setup
will typically produce a frequency somewhere near 200 Hz, which
is between G3 and A3. Adjust the VCO FREQ knob slightly until
your tuner shows a steady note that is neither sharp nor flat. The
precise note is unimportant, but you will want to take note of the
pitch and octave (i.e. G3 or A3, etc.) You can use an instrument
tuner for this function. Next, send a +3VDC signal to the VCO EXP
FM IN Jack. Adjust VR5 to adjust the output until the new pitch
equals 3 Octaves above the pitch measured at 0 VDC.
For example if you initially measured a G3 at 0V, then
at +3VDC you will want to adjust VR5 until your tuner
displays G6 (3 octave increase in pitch.)
Repeat this process to verify calibration accuracy.

Remove the screws for the CV Expander grounding and unplug
the CV Expander board. Replace the front panel of the
Werkstatt-01 to complete the installation of the CV expander.

So, any recommendations on how to send a 0 VDC signal and a +3VDC signal to my Werkstatt? I'm guessing this can be done with the BSP, but I'm not very experienced with electronics.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 04:16:56 pm by synthestisia »


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2015, 04:23:55 pm »
Another question, how necessary are these attenuator cables? I was told it's possible they could affect scaling, because they choke off the voltage. I know you mentioned using one for the gate/velocity signal, but I REALLY don't want to fry my Werkstatt. I'll also be talking to Moog about this today.


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2015, 05:46:56 am »
UPDATE!!!!  ;D

I got it to work! I fiddled around a bit with the Variable Resistor trim pot (VR5 on the circuit board), and took the attenuator cable out of the pitch/VCO EXP FM IN equation, and suddenly it worked! Tuned it with the front panel VCO FREQ knobs, and voila! I've noticed the attenuator cable from the BSP's gate to the Werkstatt's GATE OUT will affect the pitch, but the scaling is perfect.  8)

The one thing I've noticed is that now my glide knob seems to do nothing.  ::)
I could live with this handicap, but I'd like to figure that out... All the other knobs work as normal.


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2015, 06:26:31 am »

I saw the expander after I posted, as well as stuff about using them with arduinos and I was given an arduino kit for my b'day, so even more reason to get one and start modding!

The attenuator cable is really for the gate only I think.  I've found using a simple headphones volume control works well to get the drum gate upto a decent voltage for my Kick Lancet.  The pitch will be effected by changing the gain most definitely.  I do a lot of signal mixing and splitting for my MS-20 and adding or removing voltages that run the pitch cv have a dramatic effect (great at times).

With the glide I really can't help there.  If there was a sequencer on it, I'd say you needed to set which steps you want to glide (glissando), but there is no sequencer so it's a portamento glide and should control the glide time between notes. :-\
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 08:41:00 am by megamarkd »
Currently running https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1311723 / www.modulargrid.net, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2016, 06:56:27 pm »
I may pick up an arduino and some breadboards and other parts soon, it looks like a lot of fun and you can really expand the Werkstatt's potential. From the sound of it, you definitely have the experience to do cool things with this little Moog! It's definitely a learning tool for me. While it's been frustrating at times, I'm glad I picked it up.
I read on the Facebook Werkstatt group that other people have experienced this same thing with the glide knob and the Beatstep Pro, luckily the BSP has a tie/slide function using the knobs to control gate.
My current cable situation from the BSP is this:

BSP Pitch to Werkstatt VCO EXP FM IN
BSP Velocity to Werkstatt EG OUT
BSP Gate to attenuator cable to Werkstatt GATE OUT


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2016, 02:37:21 am »
I may pick up an arduino and some breadboards and other parts soon, it looks like a lot of fun and you can really expand the Werkstatt's potential. From the sound of it, you definitely have the experience to do cool things with this little Moog! It's definitely a learning tool for me. While it's been frustrating at times, I'm glad I picked it up.
I read on the Facebook Werkstatt group that other people have experienced this same thing with the glide knob and the Beatstep Pro, luckily the BSP has a tie/slide function using the knobs to control gate.
My current cable situation from the BSP is this:

BSP Pitch to Werkstatt VCO EXP FM IN
BSP Velocity to Werkstatt EG OUT
BSP Gate to attenuator cable to Werkstatt GATE OUT

Ahhh, so it didn't glide while sequenced.  So it must only glide if played legato (playing the next note before releasing the last), as playing this way should keep the envelope open thus allowing the glissando.  Maybe.  Check to see if is glides  when you play a note (free hand) using it's "keys".  Turn the glide all the way up and play a high note, keep it pressed then play another *below* the first.  Listen hear if it glides.  Repeat this only second time release the first note before playing the next.  I've never encountered a synth that only glides when played legato, but it's an interesting idea.  Actually it would be great for more correct playing of scored musical pieces that ask for glissando play in places.

Moog are pushing the Werkstatt as a learning tool, so it's definitely fulfilling that part of their marketing for you ;)

I briefly saw a head line of "Accelerometer Mod for Werkstatt" with a picture of an Arduino controller patched into a Werkstatt.  My first thought was "I don't really throw my synths around while I play...." heheh, but yeah, there are some interesting things that can be done with an Arduino and a Werkstatt (or children's/novelty musical toys).
Currently running https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1311723 / www.modulargrid.net, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2016, 06:23:05 pm »
The glide works absolutely fine when playing the keyboard. Only problem is that I have my Werkstatt tuned to work with CV, but if I hit a "key" on the Werkstatt, the tuning goes way off. So I'm doing something wrong, but it plays beautifully with the sequencer, which is all I honestly care about. I'll probably call my tech support guy at Sweetwater at some point to see if this is something I can easily fix without retuning the internal trim pot.
Interesting idea about playing legato to activate a glide, perhaps I'm too new to CV, but wouldn't that require the synth to be digitally controlled? Nothing wrong with a digitally controlled analog synth, just wondering how it'd be carried out effectively.


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2016, 08:17:23 am »
Cool stuff, good to hear all is going well.

I was thinking if glide activation could be linked to the amp envelope trigger somehow....hmm, I wonder....I haven't played with the modulation matrix of my Microwave for a long time.  I has some crazy patching that can be done, but I can't remember is glide was a destination in any way or shape.  I can use an envelope as a source to form a gate and set it for single trigger so it will stay open as long a key is depressed, keeping the glis on while playing legato but acting normally when playing regular duration notes.  I'll sus it out tonight.

I'm sure that somewhere in the modular synth world there is a glide module that allows for it to be activated via a gate, just whether or not any semimodulars or virtual modular patchbays include that sort of thing is another question.  It couldn't be hard to do, heaps of synths have switch to enable glide.
I have this theory; if I can think of it, someone else already has and has also done it.  It's a matter of finding that person's work ;)
Currently running https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1311723 / www.modulargrid.net, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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Re: BSP - Moog Werkstatt via attenuator cables NOT WORKING
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2016, 04:19:28 pm »
Can you please share the details of your attenuator?
What are the specifications for its circuitry?
Also what are the specifications of the cable you are using?
What type of interface is required with this cable?

impedance controlled printed circuit boards
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 11:35:28 pm by JimmyDavies »


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