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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Waveforms default width settings in waveform selector and in templates.  (Read 4907 times)


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Is there a special reason why in MINI V's waveform selector the default width of Triangle, Saw-Triangle and Square waves is set to 48 and not 50, and the Pulse waves is set to 29 and 17? Is'nt the minimoog pulse widths 35 and 15% and the others 50 % apart from the Sawtooth?

Is this something that should be corrected? I can hear a significant difference. Studying it for the time being.

And why is the Template preset's width settings different? In the Template Preset's the Triangle is set to 50 as i think is correct and not the default 48, the Saw-Triangle is set to 25%  while the rest is like the default settings.

The Template settings and the Default settings when choosing a waveform should be the same.

Is this something that should be corrected?

I would say, the settings that sounds most like a vintage Minimoog should be default setting in both the waveform selector, and in the templates.

EDIT: Perhaps my Templates is'nt factory files.  But even if they areønt, then still the default Waveforms width when uding  the wavefprm selector should be the one that sound most like a Minimoog.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 05:26:52 pm by LBH »


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