I’m trying to send Sequencer 1 to a synth via MIDI and send Sequencer 2 to another synth via CV+Gate.
The problem is that the 1st synth also receives whatever I’m doing on Seq. 2 and I end up with the 1st synth (MIDI) playing both sequences simultaneously.
I selected Seq. 2, "press and hold CHAN" and choose another MIDI channel but the BeatStep Pro seems to be locked to CHAN 1.
The other weird thing is that I CAN change the MIDI channel on Sequencer 1, but then it changes it to the same channel on Sequencer 2 and the Drum Sequencer.
I’ve gone into the MIDI Control Center and tried changing the MIDI channels manually but it still doesn’t change them in the Hardware.
Does anyone out there know how to fix this?