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Author Topic: Problem with brand new Minibrute  (Read 1817 times)


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Problem with brand new Minibrute
« on: November 11, 2015, 12:12:24 pm »
Hi everyone!
I just got my new Minibrute, and I seem to be having some issues.
I got it out of the box, let it warm for 5 minutes, and started playing normally. All of a sudden, after less than 10 minutes playing, all the leds except the one in Amp Env went off, as well as the sound. I turned it off and on again, and continued playing for another 10 minutes or less, and the same thing happened, except that this time turning off and on didnt solve the problem. I have tried many times to reset, but it doesnt seem to work. When I turn it on i can just see the Octave led blinking once and going off. And i can hear noise through the headphones, and the resonance of the filter affects this noise. Nothing else.
Any help? I know some people had similar issues.


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