February 18, 2025, 04:02:50 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: AnalogLab 32/64 Bit? AnalogLab as a Plugin in Live9? Window size in stand alone?  (Read 4104 times)


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I ve been searching the forum and found several simular topics with many views but often with no replies. So I am trying my self.

When I got my KeyLab25 I was really impressed with the built quallity at that low price.. But trying to get the software work, is really giving me a hard time. And customer support only responded to my first email.. since then I ve been searching the web and trying different configurations for many many hours.

My current system:

Thinkpad T420
Win7pro 64Bit
i5, 8gb,ssd

Sound card:
Tascam us122mk2

What I did:

Firmware update on my Keylab25
Updated my laptop
Installed the Analoblab-Live-map with MidiControlCenter
Followed the recommendations foro plugin use on the Ableton site.

The remaining problems I have:

1. In stand alone mode, AnalogLabs window is too big for my laptop screen. It canīt be adjusted. Not even when I right click on the icon and select minimize before opening the programm.

2. Ableton Live9 does not recognise AnalogLab as a Plugin.

3. I donīt know if its true, but I read somewhere on the net that AnalogLab only comes in 32Bit.
The only installer I found on Arturias site is the 32Bit one.
But that might be the reason for my problems... Is there really only a 32 Bit version??

As I said.. I asked Arturia Support several times, but noone replied.

Iīd really be grateful for some help.

Thank you

The Rocker

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The 32bit is an installer for the program, but should install the 64bit plugin. The AnalogLab is installed to the Program Files(x86) folder...
I use Studio One 3 Pro and it does work on my 64bit Win 8 OS,,,

Look in your C:\Program Files\VST Folder or where ever Abelton9 looks for Instrument plugins.
It should be installed,,, If so, check with how ableton handles resetting or placing the path locations for ableton to look in a folder for plugins... Whether instrument or Effects...

I am not familiar with Ableton...
Hopefully Arturia will rewrite Analoglab for 64bit benefits soon with a 64bit install,,,
Win8 Pro 64 sp1, i7 3770 Ivy, 32GB ram, 3.0 & 2.0 usb
Vista HomePrem 64 sp2, i7 920 Sandy, 12GB ram, 2.0 usb ....
Studio One 2 Pro latest ver.
AudioBox 44 VSL -


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The 32bit is an installer for the program, but should install the 64bit plugin. The AnalogLab is installed to the Program Files(x86) folder...
I use Studio One 3 Pro and it does work on my 64bit Win 8 OS,,,

Look in your C:\Program Files\VST Folder or where ever Abelton9 looks for Instrument plugins.
It should be installed,,, If so, check with how ableton handles resetting or placing the path locations for ableton to look in a folder for plugins... Whether instrument or Effects...

I am not familiar with Ableton...
Hopefully Arturia will rewrite Analoglab for 64bit benefits soon with a 64bit install,,,


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