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Author Topic: Mini V Filter Switching  (Read 4721 times)


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Mini V Filter Switching
« on: August 30, 2015, 08:56:09 pm »
Hello everyone,

New user here, and I have a question about the Mini V's filter.  I have attached screenshots, audio files, and a Pro Tools session to help explain what I'm talking about.  https://www.dropbox.com/s/9hjxqkgpld09si7/mini-v_filter-test.zip?dl=0

I've set up a single oscillator (sawtooth) with the filter's attack and decay times to about 2 seconds.  I also have the 'Amount of Contour' control set to max. 

For the first note, the sound proceeds as normal and the filter performs as expected (smooth and continuous). 

For the second note, sometime before the end of the attack (~4.5 seconds) and again sometime before the end of the decay (~6 seconds), it sounds like the filter is "switching" and not smooth or continuous.  The third note is identical with this behaviour and is quite consistent.

I've set up an experiment with another soft synth (Vacuum), and to the best of my hearing, it behaves like I would expect (i.e., not switching, but smooth and continuous).

I guess my question is: is this normal behaviour?  If not, what am I doing wrong? 
If I've missed something and need to re-read the manual, and simple nod would suffice.

Thank you in advance for your time.

EDIT: At first, the previous behaviour happened.. but I've changed something (not sure what?) and the switching happens every time, regardless of playing more than one note.  This happens with a plugin or standalone.


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Re: Mini V Filter Switching
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2015, 04:38:54 pm »
The behavior is in some extend a original minimoog behavior. A characterictica for the synth. It has to do with the "Contour".

I also at first felt the behavior was more than the original do. But i'm not sure after trying to recall. I still think the behavior in MINI V sometimes is more out of control and do it more than the original. But not as much as i first thought. However i do believe the MINI V can be polished. Also in this area.
(For instance the softclip unfortunately create attach and release clicks on some sounds. But that's another story.)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 04:42:04 pm by LBH »


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