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Author Topic: Help a noobie make a patch that sounds like gary newman  (Read 11717 times)


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Help a noobie make a patch that sounds like gary newman
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:10:16 pm »
I am not a musician but just love the sound of old analog synths

I got my self a copy of BitWig Studio and the artturia V collection

I am trying to make a patch that's sounds like the famous Gary newman string sound
with out much success.

I came across an article on the net with instructions to make this patch
which I think really nails that  Vox Humana sound

I have tried to enter the correct values but I am bloody rubbish
so I wonder if someone would kindly see if they can do it
and post the patch on here  Please

Here are the settings
and thnks in advance

Step 1.
Choose a saw wave for VCO-1 and a pulse wave for VCO-2. Set the range to 8' for both. Detune VCO-2 a tiny bit, and set the oscillator mix at equal volume for both oscillators.

Step 2.
Set the LFO to a sine (or triangle) wave with a rate of 5.72Hz. In the VCO Modulator section, set the PWM slider to 0.625 and the source switch to “LFO.” Th is routes the LFO to modulate VCO-2’s pulse width for animation.

Step 3.
Set the VCF cutoff frequency to 1,986Hz and resonance to zero. I used a 12dB slope for a little more brightness. Set “Key Flw” (key follow) to 0.75—this makes the sound brighten as you ascend the keyboard.

Step 4.
Set ENV2 as follows: attack at 453ms, decay at zero, sustain at full, and release at 4,942ms. Remember to turn up the ENV2 level in the VCA section or you won’t hear anything.

Step 5.
Now for the secret sauce. Access JP-8V’s extra LFOs by clicking the Open button in the upper right corner, then click the Modulations tab. Set both LFOs to a triangle wave. Set one to 5.04Hz and the other to 3.5Hz—these exact settings aren’t crucial as long as they’re different. In the Y Output, set the top pop-up menu to “VCO1 Pitch” and the amount knob to 0.084. In the X Output, set the top pop-up menu to “VCO2 Pitch” and the amount knob to 0.052.

That’s it! You can add delays or reverb, but the patch stands up pretty well on its own.

the link to the web page is
BWS 3.0.0,Spark LE, V Collection 6.2, BS1 & BS PRO, Keystep & Keystep pro  keylab 25, Axiom pro 49,Behringer UMC1820,Launch pad pro,ProFx8 v2,Icon m+ & D2,KRK 10/3,win 10 pro,i7 5820k 4ghz ,16G ddr 4 ,1TB NVMe.M2, msi x99a sli + , NV GF Gt 710, Matrix Brute  Roland TR8S


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Re: Help a noobie make a patch that sounds like gary newman
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2015, 02:41:24 am »
I think you're having such a hard time replicating the Vox Humana because (as far as Arturia is concerned) the Jupiter 8V is just not the right plug-in for that. You might have more success with the Mini-V or the Modular-V, something Moogy at least. After all, Gary Numan (Gary Newman is the CEO for the Fox Television Group) used a Polymoog for that track.
I wish I could help you with further specifics. I think there's a German guy on Youtube with lots of vintage synths who is very good at imitating famous synth sounds. Think he did one vid for Cars too.


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Re: Help a noobie make a patch that sounds like gary newman
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2015, 05:15:22 pm »
If you have got the v-collection 4, then you have Solina. Solina have the polymoog Vox Humana section. Solina also have the preset "Cars TN".  I would work from that preset. Perhaps work with the vibrato and the tone. But the preset is already very similar to the sound you search. Guess thats why it's called Cars.


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Re: Help a noobie make a patch that sounds like gary newman
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2015, 10:11:34 pm »
This is what he uses these days in order to re-create the oldies.


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