I get an email from some random called eduoard not Arturia company signature, or you know thanks for writing to Arturia tech support...
Is your BSP's firmware up to date

- Have you read this article ?
http://www.arturia.com/faq/utilization/beatstep-pro-general-questionsThere is a topic on Hertz/V and S-trig and volcas.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Musically Yours
1. The title of my email was: "midi din does not sequence reliably on either of my BeatStep Pros"
Don't see how hertz or string even barely come into it
2. I provided videos of my MOOG and a volca
But nice of you to utterly ignore that.
3. Is my firmware up to date, well, let's see, does your firmware FIX the problem? no. So how is this question relevant??
4. Have I read you FAQs before waiting three days for a response from you? Hmmmm.... YES. Were they helpful? hmmm NO. That might be WHY IM WRITING TO TECH SUPPORT.
Perhaps less drug use should be allowed in the office.