first of all: Thanks for making this product. It is amazing. The best sequencer ever for the buck. And an amazing fit for my needs.
However, there's always room for improvement. To make it the perfect sequencer for me personally, I have a few suggestions. Maybe some users even have found workarounds or something. Since I plugged the beatstep pro in yesterday for the first time, I couldn't spend very much time with it and might have overseen something.
High priority (for me :-):
- The shift function on the drum sequencer only works when there's no swing. I know it must be difficult to program a shift in time when there's also the swing parameter to be considered. But PLEEEEEEASE!
- My drum map uses channels 9-16 for MIDI and 1-8 for CV. The roll/loop ribbon controller seems to have some trouble with it. When I release it, sometimes the 16th notes aren't aligned anymore.
Low priority:
- I travel a lot and always have my laptop ready. It would be great if there was some simple general MIDI playback option in the MIDI control center to listen back to my creations without the beatstep pro.
- (//edit) i almost forgot something: A hidden 128 or 256 step option would be great….
that being said: Here's a short clip of my very first program on the beatstep pro, with some randomness and swing of course: