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Author Topic: CV and Pitch of Seq1 and 2 does not works correct on External Gear  (Read 4477 times)


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I own a Moog Prodygy, A Roland MC 202 and a Korg MS 10 Synth. MY BSP is connected with the splitter cable (An External Power Supply and USB are connected to BSP) becuase of noise sound only if a usb cable is connected to the BSP

I connected the Synths via cable and The Moog Pordy works fine on Sequencer one but I must set Seqeuncer two to Volt /Hz in Midi Control Center  because if it was set to V/Oct it always hold a Sustain.

If I connect the Prodigy to Sequncer two it does not works. I set the Seq2 Pitch to V/Oct and gate to S-Trig no notes comming out. If i set the Seq2 Gate to V Trig the some notes comming out but they are not correct i made a simple sequnce from c3 to C4 on the first 8 steps and it sounds crazy like I set it to Hz/ Volt. Same to the MC202.

If I use the Korg MS 10 on Sequncer two with HZ /Volt and S trig Settings it works fine, both synths the Prodigy and MS 10 play the C3 to C4 Sequqnce fine.

I made some test with the Midi Control Center and sometimes it crashes or i must install it again. It seems that the settings from the MId CC does not transmittde correctly to the BSP.

I got the latest Firmware installed, Midi CC Version is Build Revision 3181763.

Is there any one uses the BSP with two V/OCT synths connected and it works fine?


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I made some more test with the same result:

Sequencer one works fine with V/OCT or HZ/Volt Pitch but Sequncer Two only accepts HZ /Volt Pitch.

I can not set the Secondary Sequnecer to V/OCT.

If I set Seq2 Pitch in Midi CC to V/OCT (MS10 or Prodigy is connected to Seq1) then i got a permanently gate. If I use the Gate of Seq 2 and Prodigy or MS10 is connected to Seq1 pitch then the permanently gate is going away.

I also see that I can not change the Seq1 gate to V Trig on Seq 2 it works.

Seems for me that there could be a problem with the MIDI Control center.

Valentin Arturia

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thanks for your report. As you've suppose it's a problem with the MCC. There is an invertion from our part inside of the MCCU.

MCC [Seq1 Gate : V trig] = BSP [Seq2 V/Oct]
MCC [Seq1 Gate : S trig] = BSP [Seq2 Hz/V]
MCC [Seq2 Pitch : V/Oct] = BSP [Seq1 V Trig]
MCC [Seq2 Pitch : Hz/V] = BSP [Seq1 S Trig]

This will be corrected on the next firmware version,
All apologies for the temporary inconvenience caused.


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Hi Valentin, thanks for your answer.

I was today @ my music dealer and change the BSP to an other one because I think it could be a hardware issue, I test the first one with a Microbrute synth with the same result. The one I change works correct @ my music dealer, I take the new one to my flat and change some settings in the MCC then it does not works correct. So there is no hardware problem.

I made a pdf file that I attached with this post. Here I explain the seetings I try in MCC with Moog Prodigy Roland MC202 and Korg MS 10, maybe it will help you.

I register the new one to my My Arturia Account the one ends with Serial number .....967 is the one I gave back to the dealer but i can not delete this from my account, could you please fix this?



thanks for your report. As you've suppose it's a problem with the MCC. There is an invertion from our part inside of the MCCU.

MCC [Seq1 Gate : V trig] = BSP [Seq2 V/Oct]
MCC [Seq1 Gate : S trig] = BSP [Seq2 Hz/V]
MCC [Seq2 Pitch : V/Oct] = BSP [Seq1 V Trig]
MCC [Seq2 Pitch : Hz/V] = BSP [Seq1 S Trig]

This will be corrected on the next firmware version,
All apologies for the temporary inconvenience caused.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 08:56:12 pm by Zeitschleife »


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Hi Valentin again.

If you save a project in the MCC and load it back to BSP then the globaly randomness and probaility will set allways to 50 %.

You must change it to 0% in BSP and save the Project but if you sync BSP to MCC save it under new name and send it back again 50 % is there.

Changeing in the MCC Project Window to 0% does not helps.

Aslo I try to revise a pattern as decribed in BSP manaual 12.2.3 page 61 but I did not get it to work.



thanks for your report. As you've suppose it's a problem with the MCC. There is an invertion from our part inside of the MCCU.

MCC [Seq1 Gate : V trig] = BSP [Seq2 V/Oct]
MCC [Seq1 Gate : S trig] = BSP [Seq2 Hz/V]
MCC [Seq2 Pitch : V/Oct] = BSP [Seq1 V Trig]
MCC [Seq2 Pitch : Hz/V] = BSP [Seq1 S Trig]

This will be corrected on the next firmware version,
All apologies for the temporary inconvenience caused.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 08:50:19 pm by Zeitschleife »


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Yes. I'm having this same problem with syncing and changing setting in MCC.
I have trouble with random and probability.
I have something going on with the v/oct range. It way too high. And can't synch the changes.
And I can't change the clock out. It's stuck on 24ppqn. Can't get it to pulse per beat.

Valentin, any way to fix this?


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