I hope someone can help me.
Here is my current setup:
BSP drum sequencer triggering a TR-8 on midi ch 10, sequencer 2 triggering Moog Minitaur via cv/gate outputs, and sequencer 1 triggering a Juno-106 on midi channel 2. I have the volca sample connected via midi cable thru black clock cable that came with the BSP into the clock out.
1. Currently, the volca sample does not respond. I do get a humming sound when I press play on the BSP (goes away when I press stop) with the 3 way connector that came with the BSP in the chain.
2. Midi Channels: I have noticed that after saving my projects that sequencers 1 and 2 do not save the midi channel I assigned to each. I have to reassign them every time I start back up? Does anyone know how to permanently assign these?
Thanks in advance