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Author Topic: ogs editor?  (Read 7685 times)


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ogs editor?
« on: July 15, 2015, 12:40:30 pm »
Has anyone ever attempted to build some sort of ogs editor? In case of failing sequencer knobs this might be a feasible workaround to edit sequences.

Perhaps, given the apparently discontinued state of the origin, Arturia would be willing to share the ogs specs with us so we can start an open source effort to build such a thing.


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Re: ogs editor?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2015, 07:47:10 pm »

I think an .ogs editor is a smart idea. I don't have much free time to work on one. It's basically all XML

The downside is that even if we had an ogs editor, the tweaks wouldn't be heard in real-time. You'd have to tweak, save, then upload to Origin.


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Re: ogs editor?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 09:40:58 am »

I opened the demo banks from the arturia site in emacs and that's definitely not XML.
Is there something I missed?

If it's XML or exportable/importable XML then I'll definitely give it a go.


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Re: ogs editor?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2015, 10:25:35 am »
Alas, it's not that simple  :-\

The xml part was a failed attempt to use a readable representation for Origin presets, we decided to not follow on this idea.

The "ogs" format is definitely not what could be used for a decent "live" Origin editor. What could be doable - but is not with the current firmware - is to use MIDI messages such as NRPN and/or sysex.

This would require on the Origin firmware side a component which is able to decode NRPN or sysex messages and map them on the internal messages coming from the hardware controls: not that hard. On the computer side it would require an application displaying a reproduction of the Origin control surface, and some code that generates the same messages when a GUI control is moved than those generated on the machine when the corresponding hardware control is moved. This application could be a stand-alone editor, or could be available as a VST/AU plug-in. That's a lot of work.

An alternative could be to use midi editor builder that enables a user to build its own GUI.
Origin Lead  Developer


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Re: ogs editor?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2015, 10:45:30 am »
Hi Philippe,

The editor you describe would be very nice indeed and I think I've seen that discussed before.

However that would far exceed my original intention.

As discussed in another post I originally had troubles with some of the sequencer knobs, which since then have been resolved with some deoxit magic.

I was wondering if there was another way of "editing" sequences. As far as I understand it the sequencer values are not midi editable at so an external controller is out of the question at the mo.

So I was pondering an off-line approach. As sequences can be exported and imported in the ogs format that would imply them to be computer editable in that format as well. Then it can be imported to the origin in the usual way.

This particular use case would have a very simple gui as I only need the sequences.

I would gladly assist (perhaps in open source setting) with any attempt to build either an on- or offline editor.


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Re: ogs editor?
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2015, 06:05:58 pm »

I swear at one point, the .ogs files were still in XML format! Maybe before the 1.4.1 update Philippe? But if it worked fine with XML why was it changed?

Sorry for the misinformation Patrick. Until you get your two sequence knobs replaced, you could send me the notes you need in your sequence and I would send you back an .ogs  :D


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Re: ogs editor?
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2016, 05:14:48 pm »
+1 for a NRPN or sysex module into the synth (one more time ;) )
after that, another firm ( for eg) could make an editor... or midi quest or whatever....

... just a little wrapper for NRPN messages.... PLEASE !!!
and Origin will surely be LEGEN.... wait for it(the editor) ....DARY !!!

Nico :)


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