I am very interested in the Microbrute and almost ready to buy as a tiny analogue to stick with my drum-kit, looking like great possibilities with the Mini/Micro combo later on. However, I am one of these musicians who is very unhappy with playing equal tempered instruments, I rip the frets out of my guitars and the only synth I currently have is a Moog Little Phatty. Moog were cool enough to recently make a firmware update which allows you to use alternate tunings and to tune each key within an octave however you want, therefore making it possible to play many tonalities from around the world and not just our modern Western square. Now, I am ignorant to how this works with programming but obviously the Moogs have the digital side... BUT, is there any way or could a way be developed to do something similar with the Microbrute? Obviously it would only be one tuning but can this be accessed through a computer and changed away from ET? This is a big thing for me, obviously we can work around it with the pitch wheel but that takes a hand which could be doing filter tweaks etc for expression during playing. I'm not being a Moog fanboy (though that is kind of what I am) but this, for me, is one of the best things done for musician synth players in a long time.
I don't wish to bring any debate about equal temperament tuning, just asking if it is going to be possible for me to do otherwise? if not now, then is it the kind of thing which could be possible in the future? Great little synths but this sort of thing will always be a major musical limitation even if very few people care or think about such things.
thanks for your time