When I try to use the Learn function, the two vertical sliders for positive and negative limits are frozen (cannot be moved). I assume these would allow me to reverse the behaviour of the wheel? How do I get them to move?
Thanks again.
I'm not talking about the min/ max sliders in midi learn.
I'm talking about the knobs on CS80.
Please refer to the manual section "4.7 THE MODULATION MATRIX"
This is a paragraf from the manual:
--- "Between the LCD screens is a knob (AMOUNT). It allows you to set the level of modulation by applying positive values (by turning to the right) or negative values (by turning to the left)."---
So - Let's say you in the "modulation matrix" have set the wheel as the "source" to control LP 1 cut as the "destination", then your wheel will control the low cut filter of the first Oscilator. If the wheel will affect the filter in a negative or positive direction is determined by the cs80 "amount" knob between the "source" and the "destination".
The vertical midi learn sliders you talk about set the range of the controller. And you can change polarity for the controller knob and thereby for the knob it's assigned to by setting the "min" higher than the "max", - you will see the opposite direction on the knob/ slider you control on cs80. The knob/ slider etc. will move opposite of what you do on your controller.
Assigning this to the wheel knob will only reverse the wheels polarity. How things behave according to your wheel settings is in our example set in the "modulation matrix" as explained above. It's the "amount" knob in the" modulation matrix" that determines if the wheel affect the" destination" positive or negative - the wheel setting do not determine this.
The vertical sliders "min" and "max" you see in the midi learn window when you assign is moved using your mouse. Click and hold down when moving the slider.
I don't know why they are frozen for you. Mine are not frozen. If it's frozen then it's because those parameters are'nt assignable for the current knob or what it is you assign to. Can't recall any where it's frozen. For the wheel or the mentioned "amount" knobs they are not frozen.
And about the result of this reverse function - if you use it - please read above.
Take some time to read the manual and to explore and test the synth.
If you don't have the manuals, then you can find them here: