Okay! Perhaps I shouldn't have done this, but I wondered how it would sound
if it even worked at all. -- Running a mix of oscillators out to a resonant LPF then running the output of that LPF back into the very same mix-group of the VCOs that were sent to it.
Well, it didn't work. It made absolutely NO sound whatsoever, though the instrument was clearly getting MIDI signal (tried both as a VSTi and standalone) ... well, so much for that idea.
But, not only did it not work as expected, but it broke all the filters as well. As in,
NO patch I subsequently loaded, that used any filters, would make any sound!! That is, until I "reset" the instrument by loading up a preset that did
not use any filters at all. Then the instrument started making sounds again, and I could subsequently load patches that used the filters, and they would work again.
Clearly, one should not be running feedback loops using the filters I guess LOL
Still, it seems that the complete lack of audio upon loading a totally different preset is a bit of a bug, no?
Anyhow, thanks for such an awesome virtual instrument. I'll likely never get my hands on a
real Mg Modular, so having a virtual one to mess about with is too sweet!
Also, I recently read that you guys are working on updating the GUI of all your instruments to make them re-sizeable. I sure hope this is true, and VERY much look forward to a readable interface.
Actually, doing some sound design last night, I discovered that it's not just creating feedback loops that causes this problem. I had it happen with another patch I'd set up. I wish I'd saved the patch to show you what had happened, but I forgot to.
Basically, something glitched out and I started getting crackling and pops, then no audio. Again, switching to a patch not involving any filters did again create sound. I encountered the problem this time while messing about between S&H, ring mod, bode shifter, two LFOs, an envelope generator, and two filters (one LPF the other multi-mode) but I don't recall exactly what I had running into what. I was using 3 VCO for audio, and a few others for additional LFO generators.
It was a pretty complex patch, really. But nothing was feeding back into anything else .. I'm pretty sure ........ it was working fine up until it glitched out, and when that happened I was merely adjusting knobs, not placing wires.
This time I was working in my DAW (Reaper) and actually had to delete that instance of Modular V and open a new one to get any patches involving the filter to make any sound.