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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Missing Jupiter sound details using edit from Analog Lab etc...  (Read 4615 times)


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Why don't for example JP8 show sound details when it's selected thru edit in Analog Lab.

It's the same for others but not all apps when using edit in Analog Lab. This should work, so i guess it's bugs. Is it? Arturia please repair this too.

Also: There are some preset's in Analog Lab that are not in the synths. How can i get the Analog Lab preset's into the synth's? Do Arturia have the preset bank's? If so please release them for owners of both Analog Lab and the synths.
Also the other way around from synth to Analog Lab.

When i read about Analog Lab then i read the preset's is selections from the differents synth's factory preset's. So the preset's in Analog Lab should all be in the original synth's including JP8. Correct? But they are not. Why not? It would be correct to have all the Analog Lab preset's in the originals. Not the multi's - but all the Analog Lab sounds.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 07:42:10 pm by LBH »


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