OH! A couple other things I forgot:
It would REALLY be nice to be able to audition all the drums in any given kit
without actually loading it into the pads. There's all those nice little graphics there. It'd be a great place to click to hear each instrument in a kit.

Please give us a way to export an entire song (or sections of a song, by column or linked columns) to our DAW as MIDI in particular, or audio for those who prefer that. .. rather than having to let the whole song play while recording it to another track.
Creating a random pattern (for the whole kit, or just for specific instruments) would really be a nice creative tool. Particularly when in a rut of creating the same sort of beats over and over .. We've all been there now and then, no?

Another feature that I'll actually call missing is Pattern Shift, left or right, by single step, beat, or measure.
Basic copy/paste functionality for individual instruments or full patterns would be really nice. .. Say I've created a 16-step, 2 bar pattern; copied it to another pattern slot, and now want to lengthen that new pattern to 4 bars -- but I want to copy the first 16 steps to the next 16 steps for a few of the instruments rather than program them all in again in the sequencer. Copy/Paste functionality would really be useful here.
That's all I can think of right now. I just remembered them while watching some vids about Spark usage.
I just bought a Spark CDM off eBay, and am VERY excited to get it -- hopefully by this next weekend (says the delivery estimate)

I really do love the Spark2 software. It's now my go-to drum machine. There's just a few hiccups here and there and polishing that need to be done.
Thanks Arturia for another great product. I'm VERY pleased with my purchase of the V Collection 4 as well as my MiniLab.