Hi Ben, Kevin
Hope you are both well and enjoying Spring!
How are we getting on with Spark 2?
I've found a few things that would really help workflow. Apart from my mantra of more LCD feedback. Could we see some basic copy and paste action in the sequencer window in order to copy automation from one lane to another. If extending an 8 step beat to a 64 step beat, the ability to copy automation from all parameters. Or possibly a 'follow automation' so that you could have the cut off or resonance follow the pitch for example. This could be done by either flow or copy and paste.
Do you remember when I found the issue with the Pro Tools plug in, I have to install a previous version of the plug in otherwise I get a bank Spark 2 plug in window in Pro Tools. Do you have an update on this?
I have also found that certain parameters do not open when saving a Pro Tools session. For example, some drums do not play when you open a session with a saved Spark inside, you have to re open your saved Spark kit in order to 'refresh' the kit. Sometimes it even opens different sounds, It seems to happen randomly, there is no pattern (forgive the pun

When editing in the Sequencer window the first drum pad is always selected when you open the sequencer, so you have to deselect it before editing and parameters. If you don't deselect nothing is editable. (A Small bug)
The file browser in the studio view seems to not work very seamlessly. (When you select a new instrument for each pad)
Sometimes nothing happens and sometimes you see multiple things selected even if you only have one layer in the sample. Meaning you can't tell which sound is being heard as you have multiple ticks on sounds. Perhaps a preference could be added to only show drums that relate to the sound being edited. For example if you are on a pad with a snare, only show snare sounds. Of course this could be turned on and off so you could add any drum on any pad if you wish. But when auditioning sounds it get a bit cluttered as there's not much space.
I still can't see a viable way of choosing individual sounds from the CDM hardware, It doesn't give you a lot of time to audition sounds before choosing the sound you are on. The slightest touch of the jog wheel seems to open the sound or kit.
Could the LCD show which view you are on in the library view, either kit, Projects etc. Also a preference to choose between endless scroll and A to Z and a way of going through each tab as we talked about over email.
One last thing. Scalable GUI. As with all other Arturia synths, the ability to make it bigger keeping the scale would be amazing. It's something that's been requested a fair bit over the forum.
Thanks, for listening