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Author Topic: Where are Spark 2 updates?  (Read 36217 times)


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Where are Spark 2 updates?
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:00:12 pm »

So in the last few weeks my Arturia Software Centre has been asking me to update most of my Synths. Good news! Even the Mini V gets an update, for what I don't know but that was Arturia's first synth! But, poor old Spark 2 sits in the corner and looks at the floor asking… "Why not me?"

Even the old guys are getting licks of paint and Spark 2 doesn't even get a hello.

Are there plans to revisit Spark 2 and to clean up some of the bugs and fixes and workflow changes that desperately need doing?

Ben, Kevin, Seb, Adrien.. Yes, I'm looking at you :)

Thanks, Stuart

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ben arturia

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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2015, 10:44:32 am »
Hi Stuart,

Don't worry Stuart.
We will work on Spark really soon. ;D
Spark will not sit in the corner much long !



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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2015, 05:15:20 pm »
Are these updates to fix bugs, or added features of some sort? Not that I am complaining about the features that already are there! I have the V Collection and Spark as well - curious -


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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2015, 05:56:02 pm »
Hi Stuart,

Don't worry Stuart.
We will work on Spark really soon. ;D
Spark will not sit in the corner much long !

Thanks Ben, look forward to it.

Thanks, Stuart
Mac 10.7.5
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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2015, 04:25:46 pm »
Hi Ben, Kevin

Hope you are both well and enjoying Spring!

How are we getting on with Spark 2?

I've found a few things that would really help workflow. Apart from my mantra of more LCD feedback. Could we see some basic copy and paste action in the sequencer window in order to copy automation from one lane to another. If extending an 8 step beat to a 64 step beat, the ability to copy automation from all parameters. Or possibly a 'follow automation' so that you could have the cut off or resonance follow the pitch for example. This could be done by either flow or copy and paste.

Do you remember when I found the issue with the Pro Tools plug in, I have to install a previous version of the plug in otherwise I get a bank Spark 2 plug in window in Pro Tools. Do you have an update on this?

I have also found that certain parameters do not open when saving a Pro Tools session. For example, some drums do not play when you open a session with a saved Spark inside, you have to re open your saved Spark kit in order to 'refresh' the kit. Sometimes it even opens different sounds, It seems to happen randomly, there is no pattern (forgive the pun :) )

When editing in the Sequencer window the first drum pad is always selected when you open the sequencer, so you have to deselect it before editing and parameters. If you don't deselect nothing is editable. (A Small bug)

The file browser in the studio view seems to not work very seamlessly. (When you select a new instrument for each pad)
Sometimes nothing happens and sometimes you see multiple things selected even if you only have one layer in the sample. Meaning you can't tell which sound is being heard as you have multiple ticks on sounds. Perhaps a preference could be added to only show drums that relate to the sound being edited. For example if you are on a pad with a snare, only show snare sounds. Of course this could be turned on and off so you could add any drum on any pad if you wish. But when auditioning sounds it get a bit cluttered as there's not much space.

I still can't see a viable way of choosing individual sounds from the CDM hardware, It doesn't give you a lot of time to audition sounds before choosing the sound you are on. The slightest touch of the jog wheel seems to open the sound or kit.

Could the LCD show which view you are on in the library view, either kit, Projects etc. Also a preference to choose between endless scroll and A to Z and a way of going through each tab as we talked about over email.

One last thing. Scalable GUI. As with all other Arturia synths, the ability to make it bigger keeping the scale would be amazing. It's something that's been requested a fair bit over the forum.

Thanks, for listening

Mac 10.7.5
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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2015, 05:18:50 pm »
Stuart, I like all your suggestions.  While I'm on LE instead of CDM, I put some thought into the workflow issues of Spark. Setting aside the bugs, I think it really boils down to a few main points about workflow and scope that could be improved, hopefully without a huge undertaking.  I’d be curious to know if these changes might help the workflow of others.

1) Reduce reliance on Main except for performance/grooving
Because use of Spark generally requires working heavily in the Sequencer and Studio/Mixer views, some key parts of Main should be placed in the global scope and viewable/modifiable from all views - perhaps in a top or side panel. These are P1, P2, P3, Tempo, Shuffle, Master Volume.  With these parameters available globally, there is no need to flip back to Main, especially to find out what the P1/P2/P3 knobs are mapped to before turning the wrong one and wrecking an instrument.

2) Merge Studio and Mixer

This is a biggie and one that would solve all kinds of workflow issues. The functionality here overlaps so much that the workflow would improve by combining them and having only one place to manage these parameters. Place the Sampler module and Parameter module above the Aux 1 and Aux 2 modules in Mixer, respectively.

2b) Implement drag & drop samples in the new Studio/Mixer

I assume most users are utilizing samples with Spark when building their own kits. Allowing drag and drop from an external OS source such as a Finder window would help remove the need to either switch to Main or to use the slow and cumbersome browse process which never returns the user to the last folder they navigated to. This further solidifies the usefulness of the Studio/Mixer view.

If 1 & 2 are done this way, Main becomes the view tailored to jamming and performing, which is great - it is isolated to a specific purpose.  Likewise, the consolidated Studio becomes the single view tailored to building and editing a kit and is not dependent upon any of the other views - it is isolated to a specific purpose.

3) What to do with Library?!

Ideally, Library would also live within the Studio view, making Studio the central place to set up a kit without constant screen switching. However, this would require larger overall gui dimensions to hold a left navigation area for browsing (Maschine does this nicely, for example).

I'm including a photoshopped version of the Studio interface as I've envisioned it above.  Hopefully it better illustrates what I'm describing and provides some fresh thought on Spark and a direction it could go.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 05:20:51 pm by jsmirk »


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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2015, 09:08:00 pm »
HI there, cheers

Spark is a lot of things to a lot of people. I would rather see the SW stripped down so that it's solid and reliable. Not that I don't like the features and requests, just I'd rather see a reliable solid bit of gear.

Same with the Hardware, for me the SW is moving far faster than the HW and the gap is getting bigger and bigger. For example, there was a huge decision taken a year or so ago to remove the jog wheel functionality, replacing with two handed key commands. This removed functionality of the biggest know on the CDM hardware. It took months of forum conversations and emails to bring it back, although it's not 100%, it's better than it was.

I use the HW more than the SW and although I do use the sequencer a fair bit, I rarely use the mixer. I mix in Pro Tools so as long as I have a decent level, I print the audio from Spark and mix in PT. I understand why there's a mixer but I don't need to use it.

I agree, there are many overlaps in the SW and combining a lot of windows could be possible. Although there's not enough room for what there is now, let alone combining windows, it would be a GUI mess.

Cheers, Stuart

Mac 10.7.5
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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2015, 06:33:40 pm »
Yes , spark 2 needs some T.L.C. , so much potential!

Please keep ease of use as a priority. Too much complexity will make the power of this beauty get lost.


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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2015, 02:04:04 pm »
In the future I would like to update the changes in the colors of candles 2. In particular, this applies to the sequencer window. Absolutely no distinct transitions between bits, especially when on a computer screen to strong light falls. Also, if possible, a good addition to the difference in the speed of color accents.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 02:06:59 pm by dimapet »


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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2015, 10:56:19 pm »
How is the update going? :)


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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2015, 09:20:02 pm »
How's the updates? No progress???


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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2015, 05:20:54 am »
Waiting for obvious bugs to be fixed, let alone workflow improvements and new features...

...meanwhile, NI releases Maschine 2.3

Yes, sour grapes here.


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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2015, 12:12:58 pm »
Which bug?

The Maschine 1 hardware was great, 2 not so great. There's sometimes a feeling that 'the grass is always greener' but all manufacturers of gear have issues.

Bugs have been fixed for an upcoming release, unfortunately I am not aware of a list, but an update is on it's way

Thanks, Stuart 
Mac 10.7.5
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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2015, 02:45:48 pm »
Hi ,There should be a new version soon .still needs testing but some of the nasty bugs should be fixed (i.e.: no sequencer data sent)


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Re: Where are Spark 2 updates?
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2015, 08:35:39 pm »
Thats good news for sure........


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