I have just Installed CUBASE 8.
ARTURA SparkLE will Not:
1) Allow you to assign multiple outs.
This means that you can not sepreate pads onto individual channels.
Although you do still have the open of soloing the pad and exporting each pad individually.
2) Allow you to use any drop down menus in the preference page.
This mean that you can not make any adjustments to your preferences.
Although.. you can use the buttons....
But.. you can always close Cubase and run in standalone mode to adjust your preferences....
3) Allow you to export midi to Cubase...
This means that you can not EXPORT MIDI!!!
Rendering the software useless.. unless you prefer to only work in audio...
Although... There is you can always close Cubase and run in standalone mode to export midi... Then Drag it back into Cubase...
I have also noticed that Spark 2 is a 32bit VST.
Does Arturia have plans to make a 64 bit VST Upgrade???
Hopefully someone is working on CUBASE 8 issues..