legreg6. You actually started this thread.. I didn't realise.
Anyway, I know how volatile these threads can get

You must be one of the unlucky few. I've had a few issues with all Arturia gear, there's not been a single issue that I haven't been able to work out or get round by myself. Actually, no I lie. My minibrute took ages to get right, but it's fine now (Broken keys thing) and sounds amazing!
As far Solina, lets be fair, it's V1 of a product. Same with Matrix, it's V1. I think we need to be reasonable here

They'll be updates of these products and i'm sure V1.2 or even V2 of these things will be perfectly fine. I work with this stuff everyday and I don't think it's as bad as people make out.
Btw. When you buy stuff from Arturia, you now get the licenses deposited directly into your account. There should be no need to reply on an email for your activation codes.
Thanks, Stuart