This is my first time here so hello everyone
I recently added a Keylab49 to my studio and i love the way it integrates with the Analog Lab software. So with that said lets get to the point that brought me here in the first.
Ok so the main reason I bought this, and after reading manual both the synth's, Analog Lab and ControlCenter, was because I could get both of the two worlds. In other words:
1. A midi keyboard that works like a synth emulated hybrid all preconfigured out with a collection of patches from the world class analog all ready to go. (Sweet!)
And a Standard Midi Keyboard unified that can be mapped and customized in Control Center. This is where it's getting hard to configure... and I would like if anyone could help me figure this out.Ok, so I have 3 patches configured.
Patch 1 -
Default for use with
Analog Lab (Channel 1)
Patch 2 -
Massive for use with my
favorite AU from Native Instruments (Channel 15)
Patch 3 -
Ableton 9 Script released by
ArturiaPatch 1 and Patch 3 are working ok. So let's go to Patch 2.What i would like to do is map the 10
button/switches to
toggle FX, but with
LIGHT FEEDBACK. What happens is that it maps as a control toggle (On/Off) but the light on the switch doesn't keep ON while the switch is active. Instead it acts like a gate switch so when playing and looking at the keyboard a person can't tell if its active or not.
In this particular case I would like to use a switch for an Arpeggiator in live.
I know this is possible to do in the Pads, light feedback works fine there, but I would like to do this on the switches.
Is this even possible to do?
Thank you.