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Author Topic: Microbrute has no sound after firmware update.  (Read 11451 times)


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Microbrute has no sound after firmware update.
« on: July 21, 2014, 05:53:33 am »

I just bought a new microbrute and went to update the firmware.  Instantly afterwards i have no sound coming out of it whatsoever.

I've done what the TECHNOTE_03.pdf says 3 times now and nothing is working.  I've seen some other people here have this problem... Does anyone know what to do about this?  Do i need to return it now?

Thanks for the help.


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Re: Microbrute has no sound after firmware update.
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2014, 12:49:57 pm »
I'm having the same issue - really frustrating after only using my microbrute for a few days.
Matt, did yours come up with the error saying something along the lines of "incorrect firmware file/not correct file type"? Also, Could you please post a link to where I can download this PDF?

Kind regards,



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Re: Microbrute has no sound after firmware update.
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2014, 07:07:48 pm »
Hey there,

got the same issue as you after updating to firmware!
Is your Seqencer turned on (Play or Record)? It seems the update brakes the sequencer, at least for me. If I put the switch to Off i can play on the MicroBrute.

I also have tried to do the procedure form the tech note but that didn't fixed it for me.

Do you also run the MicroBrute Connection Software on Mac OS X 10.9.4?



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Re: Microbrute has no sound after firmware update.
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2014, 07:14:37 pm »
Here is the solution:

"A random bug has been found by the first users(thanks for their feedback):
after the update, the "Step On"param is set to a random value. So some people with have it on Gate, others on Clk.
After the update, please set "Step On" option to "Clk" by hand(if it's already on Clk, switch it the gate, and back to Clk), otherwise the sequencer may not run properly in play mode"

--> You have to set this in the MicroBrute Connection Software on "Configuration" -> "Sequencer Control"


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Re: Microbrute has no sound after firmware update.
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2014, 03:35:52 am »
ok so randomly it started working again after i left it a couple of days and tried using the headphone output instead of the 1/4" output - so now i have sound yay! (still confused why though)

and I only managed to get the sequencer to play through the whole sequence instead of the first note only by switching back to CLOCK like was said above AND turning note on to HOLD.

hope this helps


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