I've been using Spark 2 with SparkLe for a couple of days now and encountered the following bugs:
1. instrument browser:
when browsing for induvidual instruments, I'm unable to use the Sparkles wheel after selecting a category and clicking on an instrument (in order to highlight the column). Happens occationally.
2. Spark:
Spark refuses to start, but instead hangs indefinately at 698 mb of ram used and 13% processor usage (gui wont appear). I've had to reinstall spark 2 a couple of times because of this as it the only thing that seems to help. This happens after saving a project and spark crashes corrupting the project. Had this happen with standalone and plugin. Also the plugin will crash Cubase 7.5.20 when spark is at this state.
3. Mixer:
Mixer presets can't be saved. Not possible to input the name of the preset therefore unable to save.
4. Modular editor:
Random volume changes, propably related to velocity. This happens when editing a sound in the modular editor, the volume of the sound suddenly drops and stays quiet (not silent) until next reload of spark and project.
Sample player in the modular editor refused to play a sample (this program was custom including an oscillator, not the sampler preset with bode shifters ect. from the library) after a restart -> project corrupted, catastrophic crashing of cubase and spark le neeeded a reintall (see section 2). Related to this, a feature request, it would be nice if adding a sampler to modular patch would not clear the modular patch.
My setup:
inter i7 930, 6gb ram, Windows 7, Spark Le w/ spark 2.0.0, Cubase 7.5.20