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Author Topic: Tuning Problem on Microbrute  (Read 40902 times)


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Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« on: May 11, 2014, 11:57:10 am »

I've had my Microbrute for about 5 months now, and just recently it has been suffering with tuning which drifts wildly during use.

If I start off completely in tune with my other synths, within minutes it can have drifted a number of semitones - to the point where the fine tune knob will not bring it in tune again.  It started I think after the first time I did a fine tune on it and it hasn't been right since.  Note, this is NOT within the first few minutes of operation - this is well past the warm up period - and is NOT operating in extreme temperatures.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it's becoming a real pain.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 12:01:19 pm by vestan_pance »

Adam Jones

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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 01:44:14 pm »

Exactly the same problem, and i have had mine for exactly 5 months! self Christmas Present...it sounds very ill like someone is constantly playing with the pitch wheel, and sometimes its so out the tuning knob wont even get close...mine also has a tracking problem where every octave up on the key board gains a semitone??? Unusable...so disappointing...was starting to think it was my favourite synth... :-[

Have started back and forth with technical as of yesterday, You?

Adam Jones

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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2014, 02:27:55 pm »

I just had tech support send me Solution 6? which was a PDF explaining how to rectify the tuning problem...and it worked!!!

No More "go home you're drunk" osc.... ;D


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2014, 08:54:46 pm »
I got there myself over the weekend - Jerome responded this evening with Technote 6 which goes through the use of the tuning screws to calibrate the oscillator.  Having thought I'd solved the problem with a firmware update earlier last week, the issue returned and so I decided over the weekend to try the screw adjustments.  As soon as I touched one of them with the screwdriver the unit just seemed to jump back into tune again - didn't actually need to tweak anything - and it's been solid as a rock ever since.

So yes, sorted now - and very happy as it is a wonderful little synth.

Adam Jones

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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2014, 11:43:02 am »
 :'( it stayed in tune for about 12 hrs...I have tuned it 5 times now and its back to the drunken osc 6 minutes after being in perfect tune....I bet the screw you touched was the one on the left if you are looking from the back....if I touch mine with a screwdriver it screams wildly jumping semitones....I bet there is a fault....what firmware update did they recommend ? It may see mine returned to something other than a $300.00 paper weight...


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2014, 06:46:42 pm »
you should try to turn both tunning trimmers few turns right and left. after that, redo calibration as decribed in TechNote_06.
Some trimmers need to be burnt in before proper usage is possible.  If not done enough they could be jumpy
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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2014, 05:40:24 pm »
I m glad someone is having luck...i remember i ve made the same point more than 3 months ago now.Never had an answer.Bruno said to watch the tech notes.I ve never found them.So please guys if U can help me explaining how to get this technote I ll be very happy and glad.Please...I'm still using it during my Live concert...but when it comes to play with others in tune....well I let U imagine.Please....any help Thanks all


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2014, 11:41:44 pm »
I'm just wondering about the fact that after 4 hours of searching I still haven't find what I'm looking for.Please Bruno Moderator can U please send me this Technote 6 so I can try to fix this tuning?I mean ....I've paid for it ...why don't someone send me this technote?Please Bruno.

Jerome Arturia

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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2014, 08:48:33 am »
LoItaliano78: check your mailbox ;)


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2014, 01:01:38 am »

I just wanted to add my new Microbrute to a song I´ve recorded and checked the pitch for the first time...

I´ve connected it to an external Tuner and the pitch is about 1/2 halftone too high. So I popped out the fine-tune knob;
tweaking it from complete left to complete right the tuner does not move a bit...

Any ideas? Or is there a way to get a look at this mysterious TechNote_06???

Thanks in advance for every suggestion!


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2014, 01:20:55 am »
I've made a ticket to the service center and write a pm to Bruno@arturia on this forum.They've send me a file just after some day.Very fast.But to be honest on that note it's clearly stated that:

"As with the major modules of the MicroBrute, the note tracking is pure analog, therefore:
 Full “0-cent accuracy” can not be achieved: +/- 5 cents tolerance generally is OK.
 Expect some drift at the extremes (up to +/- 20 cents): C-3 will *not* be accurate, neither will be C5."

After some tweaking  Thats what I've atm after the tuning.


I've spent 1 hour on slope and offste and that's the best tuning i can made.No chance to be in tune from C1 to C3.In fact as U can see C1 130.80hz and c3 528.50 it's just +/-5 cent.Seem a good spot for an analog synth.The problem now here in Italy it's the hot summer.....no chance to play with this synth live with other players....but what can i say...I really love this microbrute.Dunno If I can Attach here the technote they've send me.


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2014, 02:46:06 pm »
I just received a new microbrute, it is acting weird as you can see on my video here:


No matter what i do to tune it, even after some time powered on, the pitch is going up and down randomly, using the basic patch arturia sent me to try…

I was wondering if i lost my mind when i heard it for the first time. My tuner didn't lie to me.


The service center told me to film this, and then after seeing this video, to fine tune it !!! Excellent, please give me a third hand so i can fine tune it in real time ?!

« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 01:49:52 pm by busygirl »

Macaval Cafu

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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2014, 08:37:18 pm »
I am having the exact same problem as well. I've ordered a second hand Arturia Microbrute from an on-line music shop and the pitch just keeps getting out of tune - even after tuning the instrument with the screws.

Does anyone know if this is going to happen to all Microbrutes? Or is this just a specific malfunction with some units?  ???

I would also like to get my hands on that "TechNote_06". I've e-mailed tech support, but nothing so far.


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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2014, 07:21:59 pm »
The tech support replied my e-mail with instructions for tuning the machine with "TechNote_06". I tried to tune the machine with the screws, but the oscillator keeps changing the pitch - as if some kind of "sample&hold" modulator was modulating it. Sometimes it goes away, sometimes it comes back. I am going to return the machine and see if this happens with a new one after some use.




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Re: Tuning Problem on Microbrute
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2014, 02:21:23 pm »
Could you share the tech note with us ?
I presume you are allowing for 10minutes vco warm up time before adjusting ?


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