I had some problems with enabling the MIDI channel selection from hardware. I followed this thread with interest and made a short video to show first look with OP-1 and also the settings for MIDI with MCC. The bit i missed and is not shown is that after syncing and before powering the hardware off, Store the preset using the hardware.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv7PY1AQLcI&feature=share&list=UUnk4Kc9cPl7gcWqVTkjPttwThe process i followed was:-
1. Open MCC App and Sync with the Beatstep
In GLOBAL PARAMETERS (right of app display)
2. Set PERFORMANCE DATA - Sequencer Channel to GLOBAL
3. Set Global Channel to 1
For each pad and controller
4. Set all Channel to Global
5. Save as.. to save the Template to my own named item
6. STORE the Template to "Working Memory'
7 Sync
On the Hardware
8. Check than the channels can be changed using [CHAN] + [Pad x]
9. Store using [STORE] + [PAD1]
Hardware can be powered off and on and then to use the hardware with adjustable MIDI chan from the beatstep press [RECALL]+[PAD1]
I would have thought working memory would have restored the MIDI chan change function without recalling a preset but it seems not.
Hope this helps