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Author Topic: 2 computers, 2 DAWs - in sync...possible?  (Read 1711 times)


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2 computers, 2 DAWs - in sync...possible?
« on: April 10, 2014, 12:38:40 pm »
I'm looking to augment my primary machine with a secondary machine loaded w/ softsynths, and would love to hear if anyone has successfully made this type setup work.

Primary would need to control transport functions, and secondary would need to simply playback...but in sync.

Please don't suggest MTC, as I've already tried that, but it's so unpredictable and the pitch adjust on softsynths until sync is found drives me bonkers!



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Re: 2 computers, 2 DAWs - in sync...possible?
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2014, 03:37:14 pm »

I've found using Spark as a Master with my Analog 4. the tempo fluctuates too much to be useful, as you say it makes tempo synced delays etc.. useless, it performs better sending Midi clock from the A4 to Spark and using Spark as slave. So I would use your DAW as the Master and send Midi Clock on the midi port connected to the Spark machine and make sure to send position as well. This should work, I use Cubase to sync all my outboard gear in this manner. I never use MTC, in the past I've found Midi clock to be more reliable with Cubase anyhow.

I'm hoping that the Clock output from Spark improves with v2 as I'd love to use it to drive the A4.


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