Now, this is from the user manual, page 30:
6.2.3 How the root note of a sequence is determined
The actual note sent by a BeatStep sequence at any given moment is the sum of three parts:
1. The note that was selected for the current sequencer step
2. The setting of the Overall Transpose parameter, which may be changed either by editing the value in the MIDI Control Center or by simply turning the big encoder while holding the SHIFT button
3. The lowest incoming USB MIDI note currently playing in the DAW track that matches the Sequencer Channel. This note will transpose the sequence based on its relationship to middle C (C3). For example, an incoming C3 won't transpose the sequence, but an incoming D3 will transpose the sequence +2, etc.
I am trying to understand the last point. This sounds like the way it should work, just like classic CV sequencing where CV voltages are being added (with latch). But why DAW? In principle anything can be done without DAW, just by playing notes on the right channels. So why DAW? Can anybody explain how Beatstep behaves and not what needs to be done in a DAW? I am using Logic and could not get any results.
Anyone from Arturia? This is being asked over and over in several places on the forum... THANX!