Hi Florian,
I'm not sure I understood your request/explanations.
If you feel like that when playing MiniBrute via midi, the pitch is one octave to high.
I made a new firmware that is "still" under test. In this unreleased version, I corrected the midi mapping according to my previous post:
In the new upcoming firmware update, i changed midi note number sent by the keyboard. Midi specification tells indeed that a piano middle C (261Hz) should correspond to 60 midi number.
But regarding CV scaling, MiniBrute provides 0V to 10V CV. that is to say 10 octaves.
when playing center C on built-in keyboard or receiving Midi note number 60, MiniBrute will output C4=261Hz
Pitchbend does nothing to the output voltage of the CV converter when it's centered. if set to 12semitons, it will add 1v(up position) to -1v(down pos).
Btw: I don't know any analogue synth, which includes the bender to the Kbd-Voltage output. Alway the bender is some device which works only internally in the synth.
Indeed minibrute does not output Kbd-Voltage but Kbd+bend, which is in my opinion much useful when using MiniBrute keyboard to control an external VCO using CV. And as explained before pitch bend does nothing to your output voltage if you don't use it.
Mapping for the new firmware version is as follow
C0 = 16.35Hz -> 0V -> midi 12
C1 = 32.7Hz -> 1V -> midi 24
C2 = 65.4Hz -> 2V -> midi 36
C3 = 130.8Hz -> 3V -> midi 48
C4 = 261.62Hz -> 4V -> midi 60
C5 = 523.25Hz -> 5V -> midi 72
C6 = 1046.5Hz -> 6V -> midi 84
C7 = 2093Hz -> 7V -> midi 96
C8 = 4186Hz -> 8V -> midi 108
C9 = 8372Hz ->9V -> midi 120
In the firmware you have it's:
C0 = 16.35Hz -> 0V -> midi 0
C1 = 32.7Hz -> 1V -> midi 12
C2 = 65.4Hz -> 2V -> midi 24
C3 = 130.8Hz -> 3V -> midi 36
C4 = 261.62Hz -> 4V -> midi 48
C5 = 523.25Hz -> 5V -> midi 60
C6 = 1046.5Hz -> 6V -> midi 72
C7 = 2093Hz -> 7V -> midi 84
C8 = 4186Hz -> 8V -> midi 96
C9 = 8372Hz ->9V -> midi 108