well, after erasing all presets, downgrading to 1.3.5, the "top" of the show was having errors wher recalling presets (errors on the Origin Display....no comment)
i tried ti re-upgrade still to 1.3.5 but with the Old Origin connection too, then (always without restoring any backup) go to 1.4

why when i erase presets, then do syncing, they pop-up again?

why when i load some banks, Origin come out with errors on the display ? (tried last one you put on the website, and my troubled "Oxygene2" writes only 2 of the 4 timbres in the combi, it seems he don't like the two "pads"....
Ok , since there is no way to do a low-level reset (whene i do refresh, the deletet timbres keeps to zombie-come-to-life) or a Factory reset, i'll do a Hardware Reset: gonna sell it, i have non time to spend in such angry-time-spending things, just got my Kronos, and what they sell, they give: i'm sad about it, but i prefer a wotking and doing-its-job instrument, not an eternal beta hardware that promises paradise and make hell out of me...