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Author Topic: Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR  (Read 15793 times)


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Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR
« on: June 25, 2012, 05:47:22 pm »

Last week I bought myself the Dr Bobs Collector Pack & have been getting to grips with the amazingly brilliant Mg Modular V ever since, whilst familiarizing myself with it I've ran into some strange envelope behaviour & I'm not sure if it's intentional or there is something that I'm not doing correctly. I've searched the forum & found a similar thread from a few years ago but the problem doesn't really seem to get addressed in it.

Anyways, what I'm seeing is that the envelopes seem to behave more like ASDSR than ADSR. What I mean is that when the envelope gets to the end of the attack phase it kind of sticks on full for a short while before starting the decay phase, like this /‾\

What I'd like to be able to do is have the decay phase start as soon as the attack phase is finished, like this /\

I'm running Mg Modular V 2.6.1 on Mac OS 10.6.8 & this happens if I'm running stand alone or as an AU inside Logic

Any ideas?


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Re: Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2012, 02:33:55 pm »

the Out-ADSR have an additional Slope Stage.

Intel I7 PC 24 GB RAM, 3 x 24" Monitors, Win 7/64, Cubase


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Re: Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2013, 03:38:28 pm »
Holy thread resurrection, Batman!!

It's not the Output envelopes I'm referring to - although they do display the same ASDSR properties, it's the modulation envelopes that I have an issue with.

A quick example of what I mean is if you start from the blank synth template, connect up a square wave from oscillator 1 to the filter 1 input, connect filter 1 output to vca 1 input, raise vca 1 sustain to full, raise filter 1 resonance to about 15. Now connect mod envelope 1 output to filter 1 mod input 1, change mod amount to about 0.35. Set env 1 attack time to about 200ms, env 1 decay time to about the same, release and sustain to lowest possible setting.

When you play a key, you can clearly hear the attack phase of the envelope then a sustain before it decays, if you vary the attack and decay times you will still hear a sustain period which changes in length depending on the settings.

If you compare what happens with the envelope to what happens when you use a triangle lfo set to 1Hz, with the triangle you get a clear up and down with no sustain (if you are only hearing a downward sweep, make sure to set the lfo PWM width to 0.50)- the only trouble is it doesn't seem possible to control the starting phase of the lfo, otherwise I could use this as a workaround.


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Re: Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2015, 06:42:36 pm »

I'm new to Modular V but I too have noticed that in the 'ADSR' envelopes there's something strange. For example, connect a square to input VCA1, set Attak about 500ms, Decay about 500ms, Sustain very low level. In about 1 sec I expect the Sustain level, but it comes after 4-5 seconds...

Your experience?

Win 7 pro, 6 GB, Modular V v2.8.0.76


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Re: Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2015, 10:03:57 pm »

I'm new to Modular V but I too have noticed that in the 'ADSR' envelopes there's something strange. For example, connect a square to input VCA1, set Attak about 500ms, Decay about 500ms, Sustain very low level. In about 1 sec I expect the Sustain level, but it comes after 4-5 seconds...

Your experience?

Win 7 pro, 6 GB, Modular V v2.8.0.76

When you say you have a 500 ms setting is it then what you read on the Gui or in the PopUp message?

Unfortunately there is a difference between those two. The PopUp message don't show the correct value. When the PopUp message show 500 MS the setting on the GUI is around 2 sec. That match your experience.

If you set 500 ms on the GUI then the PopUp message only shows around 75 ms.

Of coarse the PopUp message should show the correct value, But it don't. This Arturia hopefully correct.
It's the same PopUp message error for value for all envelopes. Not just the VCA envelopes.


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Re: Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2015, 10:30:21 pm »

I assumed that popup was right... We can only hope in a correction by Arturia.

Thanks again!

and MERRY CHRISTMAS (too late) and HAPPY NEW YEAR (in time)


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Re: Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2016, 12:59:42 am »
Go by the GUI, huh?  The time markings on the Attack and Decay knobs are a blob of pixels on my screen.

Anyway, thanks for that info - I was wondering what was going on with the time settings.

BTW, is it possible to add a graphic to these posts?  Can't seem to find the button for it.




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Re: Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2016, 01:32:38 am »
Go by the GUI, huh?  The time markings on the Attack and Decay knobs are a blob of pixels on my screen.

Anyway, thanks for that info - I was wondering what was going on with the time settings.

BTW, is it possible to add a graphic to these posts?  Can't seem to find the button for it.



Your welcome.

Yes i agree that things in generel are'nt as excact as they could be. I hope Arturia fix this too. The Gui is'nt easy to read either.
Going by ear is the most excact option.

Unfortunately it don't seems to be possible to make attachments to post except in the preset zone. This i also hope Arturai will make possible. It can help a lot some times. There is a attachments and other options button below, but no way to upload.


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Re: Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2016, 08:47:26 pm »
Can anyone verify if this problem (popup vs graphic indication of envelope times) has been fixed in the new release, V Collection 5?

 - Stephen


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Re: Envelopes seem more like ASDSR than ADSR
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2016, 12:25:09 am »
No pop up in VC5. A bottom panel show the values. The GUI unfortunately don't show all parameters with number values including ADR parameters - and i find the GUI rather fuzzy.
Unfortunately the values shown in milliseconds is still not the actual values you hear. So no - it has not been fixed.
Arturia you really need to have things like this work. Values shown shall be the values you hear.  The values is being used. Will you fix that?
This is another example that you don't have re-coded all, checked and optimized the applications so things work as they should and are supposed to.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 02:12:12 am by LBH »


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