Hi to all,
Here it is, an ableton template using the user remote scripts for ableton live to automap the controller transport buttons to the ableton's live Play, Pause, Record, Forward, Backward and Loop!
My setup is this:
Name Mode Channel CC Number
Host Ctrl#1 Control 1 52 Play
Host Ctrl#2 Control 1 53 Stop
Host Ctrl#3 Control 1 54 Rec
Host Ctrl#4 Control 1 55 Bck
Host Ctrl#5 Control 1 56 Fwd
Host Ctrl#6 Control 1 57 Loop
And This is the User Remote Scripts:
# Config File for User-defined Instant Mappings
# We assume that the controls on your MIDI controller
# send CCs (except for pads). All controls that do not have
# an explicit channel setting are expected to use the
# global channel. CCs & Notes are counted from 0-127
# and channels from 0-15.
# The channel that the controller should send on
GlobalChannel: 0
# If your controller is connected via USB, replace ControllerName
# with the name of the respective port. Live will then try to
# recognize the ports for you when you select your Instant-Mappings
InputName: 0000.001d.0000.
OutputName: 0000.001d.0000.
# If your controller has pads that send notes, you can use them to
# play the visible pads in your DrumRacks. Just replace the -1 for
# the note (and channel) of the respective pad. The arrangement of
# the pads in the DrumRacks is as follows:
# 1 2 3 4
# 5 6 7 8
# 9 10 11 12
# 13 14 15 16
# (If you leave the channel of a pad at -1, Live will assume that
# the pad uses the global channel)
Pad1Note: -1
Pad2Note: -1
Pad3Note: -1
Pad4Note: -1
Pad5Note: -1
Pad6Note: -1
Pad7Note: -1
Pad8Note: -1
Pad9Note: -1
Pad10Note: -1
Pad11Note: -1
Pad12Note: -1
Pad13Note: 124
Pad14Note: 125
Pad15Note: 126
Pad-1Note: 127
Pad1Channel: -1
Pad2Channel: -1
Pad3Channel: -1
Pad4Channel: -1
Pad5Channel: -1
Pad6Channel: -1
Pad7Channel: -1
Pad8Channel: -1
Pad9Channel: -1
Pad10Channel: -1
Pad11Channel: -1
Pad12Channel: -1
Pad13Channel: 15
Pad14Channel: 15
Pad15Channel: 15
Pad-1Channel: 15
# The Encoders will control the device parameters (you can also
# use knobs or sliders). Replace the -1's with the CCs sent by
# the respective controls on your controller. You can also set
# the channel for each controller if it differs from the global
# channel (if you leave the channel of an encoder at -1, Live
# will assume that the encoder uses the global channel).
Encoder1: -1
Encoder2: -1
Encoder3: -1
Encoder4: -1
Encoder5: -1
Encoder6: -1
Encoder7: -1
Encoder8: -1
EncoderChannel1: -1
EncoderChannel2: -1
EncoderChannel3: -1
EncoderChannel4: -1
EncoderChannel5: -1
EncoderChannel6: -1
EncoderChannel7: -1
EncoderChannel8: -1
# Enter the respective map mode for the encoders here. The following
# map modes are available:
# - Absolute
# - Absolute14Bit
# - LinearSignedBit
# - LinearSignedBit2
# - LinearTwoCompliment
# - LinearBinaryOffset
# - AccelSignedBit
# - AccelSignedBit2
# - AccelTwoCompliment
# - AccelBinaryOffset
# Consult the controller's documentation to find out which mode to use.
EncoderMapMode: Absolute
# Buttons used here are expected to not be toggles (i.e., sending
# value 0 every second time you press it).
Bank1Button: -1
Bank2Button: -1
Bank3Button: -1
Bank4Button: -1
Bank5Button: -1
Bank6Button: -1
Bank7Button: -1
Bank8Button: -1
NextBankButton: -1
PrevBankButton: -1
LockButton: -1
# Again enter the appropriate CCs for the respective controls.
# If all sliders use the global channel to send their data,
# you can leave the channels at -1. You can, of course, use
# encoders or knobs instead of sliders.
VolumeSlider1: -1
VolumeSlider2: -1
VolumeSlider3: -1
VolumeSlider4: -1
VolumeSlider5: -1
VolumeSlider6: -1
VolumeSlider7: -1
VolumeSlider8: -1
Slider1Channel: -1
Slider2Channel: -1
Slider3Channel: -1
Slider4Channel: -1
Slider5Channel: -1
Slider6Channel: -1
Slider7Channel: -1
Slider8Channel: -1
MasterVolumeSlider: -1
MasterSliderChannel: -1
Send1Knob1: -1
Send1Knob2: -1
Send1Knob3: -1
Send1Knob4: -1
Send1Knob5: -1
Send1Knob6: -1
Send1Knob7: -1
Send1Knob8: -1
Send2Knob1: -1
Send2Knob2: -1
Send2Knob3: -1
Send2Knob4: -1
Send2Knob5: -1
Send2Knob6: -1
Send2Knob7: -1
Send2Knob8: -1
TrackArmButton1: -1
TrackArmButton2: -1
TrackArmButton3: -1
TrackArmButton4: -1
TrackArmButton5: -1
TrackArmButton6: -1
TrackArmButton7: -1
TrackArmButton8: -1
VolumeMapMode: Absolute
SendsMapMode: Absolute
# The transport buttons are also expected not to be toggles.
StopButton: 53
PlayButton: 52
RecButton: 54
LoopButton: 57
RwdButton: 55
FfwdButton: 56
In the attachment there is a ZIP file with MIDI Control Center template and the user scripts.
The user script folder The_Laboratory must be copied to:On Windows Vista/Windows 7:[Windows boot drive] > Users > [User Name] > AppData > Roaming > Ableton > Live 8.XX [your version] > Preferences > User Remote ScriptsOn Mac:[Library folder] > Preferences > Ableton > Live 8.XX [your version] > User Remote ScriptsHere it is a screenshot of the ableton prefs: