Hi out there.
What do u think about this ideas?
- There should come a Screen space Saving Skin, without the Graphical hardware style interface. (Think it will be possible to need 1/3 less Space of the actuall GUI).
1) There should be a possibility to record the played FX Pad Effects directly in a Phattern, when record button is activated.
2) On Preferences page i've allways chance the 'Default Pad Velocity' Value while scrolling in the pref. list. So there should be a little button to lock the setting of this value.
3) Phatterns should can be drag'n'drop directly from the center screen 'Hardware GUI Phattern Wheel', for me it only works over the bottom screen > Library>Pressing the EDIT Button on actual loaded project> and then...(i don't really like that workflow here)
4) The Single shots and builded 'Tones' from a Instrument Pad that is created should can exported in the same way like point 3.
So u can use physical modeling or our lovely Analog emulations to build a 'Tone' and export this one by drag'n'drop the assigned Pad to your desktop or directely in our DAW.
(X iPAD X)
Our Spark software should be released for iPad 3, i think the Mac Version can be changed for low cost to run as app on iPad.
This will blew all existing drum maschines on iPad away.
To get it really usefull it should can be used as a remote mode for our PC/MAC application (very intresting for Spark VDM Users without the hardware). And if used directly on iPad the projects that are produced should be 100% compactible with the PC/MAC version, maybe you should use a web based sharing platform something like Dropbox, and of course WiFi Network Synchronisation.
Let's hear a feedback arturia folks and admins