What an answer!
Hi ,
It seems that the Analog Laboratory has conflicts with the latest updates of the individual instruments .
Our developing Team are working on that issue and will soon release an update that will solve this problem ; while so ,whether you go back to the older version of the softs embedded as presets within the Analog Laboratory (V collecion) or you deactivate the presets' advanced edition ;
delete the "prefs" files located in this folder:
<Mac>/Library/Arturia/Analog Laboratory/
then launch again the Analog Laboratory,click the PREFS button, and make sure the advanced edition of all synths is deactivated.
Sorry for the temporary inconvenience caused. All registered users will be notified by email when the update is available .
The Prophet setup crashed my system again! (Or is it just the E-Licenser?)I had the older versions (before 2.5.1) installed and deleted the Laboratory PREFS. (Plug-in integration was turned off)
After that I installed all the latest versions again (in alphabetical order)
ARP2600_V_2.5.1; cs80v_2.5.1; Jupiter_8V_2.5_Beta; MiniMg_V_2.5.1; Mg_Modular_V_2.6.1; Prophet_V_2.5.1
After the first installation I had to restart. After the restart I installed all the other products without restarting again.
The last setup crashed my system (Bluescreen) and after a restart I tried to start the standalone versions.
I was not able to test all installations but I can say that the Jupiter_8V_2.5_Beta is working and the others are still not fully working.
I have the same problems as before, that means I can't change the sound device from the drop-down menu.
The Application is complettly freezing and all I can do to go on working on my desktop is restart the system.
(Windows needs a lot of time to stop the process while the system is trying to reboot).
While Live was scanning VST-Folder the Mg_Modular_V_2.6.1 caused an error with the E-Licenser.
The Synth/Generator version was latter shown as an Effect so I closed Live and tried to start the E-Licenser Control Center.
My system crashed again (Bluescreen).
I recieved the new
beat 04/2012 yesterday and I found this article on page 49. Where Beat offers
60 day trial licenses for Jupiter_8V_2 and the new Oberheim_SEM_V.
The link where you can
get the serial is the same as last year and they write that this action ends on 31.12.2011. What? 2011? Yes your right! (I had to say this to myself ;-) )
Okay, so maybe I should request 365 license keys, so I can use all the programms registered with this license, for at least the next 60 years!?! Or so...
Häh? I can have The Laboratory + V-Collection 2 + Oberheim SEM-V for free and can request as much serials as I want but I bought them (except Oberheim_SEM_V)
and still can not really use them because of all the bugs? Thanks for the SEM-V on top but this doesn't fixi the issues with The Laboratory and the V-Collection 2!
I installed the SEM V, too and as anticipated I opened the E-License Control Center and my system crashed! Bang !!! Bluescreen again! .... Ähm, let me count ...
1, 2, 3, .... 8, 9 ... I don't now how offten this is supposed to happen before the setup is finished

but it happens again and again.
I tried two times more and after the second reboot lately and finaly the E-Licenser CC opened and I was able to register the SEM_V.
I had to drag and drop the Mg_Modular_V.dll from and back into my VST-Folder before Live 8 was recognizing the plug-in as synth/generator again.
After that the plugins where at least recognized and loadable/playable.
The standalone version of Prophet crashed my system and ARP2600 still stopped working while I tried to select my ASIO sound device. I have not testet any other standalone versions here, except Jupiter_8V_.5_Beta and the Oberheim SEM_V which where both running fine. (-1 for SEM_V couldn't find out how to change MIDI-input channel but the sound device setup was amazing.... I could choose my ASIO sound device! Wow!)

I started Laboratory and connected the V Collection 2 Programms to it again. After the restart I tried to open them all from insight the Lab. Most of them had problems showing up. I had to click OPEN three times till the plug-in window stayed open.
I couldn't test much more.
So there is a major problem with the E-Licenser in this Version (2.5.1) and a bug in the Audio & MIDI Preferences dialog.
And you are shure you have to update The Laboratory again? ... For me this is not consistent but if you Arturia guys think so... We shall see...
Tomorrow I'll may try to save some settings from the hidden top section of Jupiter loaded by Laboratory...