It's not only with ARP, except of OBERHEIM and JUPITER it works with NO synth - at least for me. When I try to export a bank or preset, the synths are not crashing, but nothing happens. Only a window appears, were I can name the patch and save it, but when I save, nothing is saved or there in the selected folder.
And the patch-management of the synths MMV, ARP, MiniMg is STILL a totall crap! When I save no own patches, everything is fine, but when I begin to save own things in an own bank, it took not long and everything is messed! !
For example: on ARP I renamed a bank of my patches and now it's gone. Deleted? I can't find it.

Same with MiniMg or MMV. My folders appear doubled, but containing instead of my patches some of the factory presets and if I have "luck", some of my own patches.
But I wrote about this bug (in MMV) last year. No improvement happend.