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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Few Issues - Fine Tuning Nightmare For Left Handed - Filter Volume 200-300Hz  (Read 2566 times)


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Hi, really loving the demo so far - just a couple of issues aside from the preset bug already mentioned.

Fine tuning is really difficult for left handed people, especially laptop users, mac specifically.
The one ctrll button on the macbook pro is pretty much impossible to reach whilst using the mouse with your left hand. If you changed the fine tuning shortcut to either the cmd or alt key it would work out perfectly for left or right handed macbook users. This makes it really difficult to program making an essential feature almost impossible to use.

When doing a Tom sawyer style patch - resonance fully up and sweeping through the frequency range I noticed there is some sort of sine wave lfo type wobble towards the lower end of its range which sounds plain odd. Secondly betweeen 200-300Hz there seems to be a really sharp increase in volume which drop off - also sounds very unnatural and strange and causes unwanted distortion due to the increase in volume in this small range.

Well done guys though - for the most part Its brilliant! Fix these little things and I'll certainly be buying!

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« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 08:10:10 pm by MadeInMachines »


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I can understand the difficulties with the ctrl button however You can use fine mode with second click&drag.

on an mac book, with trackpad : 2 fingers drag
on an old  mac book : 2 fingers + click, then drag with one or 2 fingers holding the click.

I Hope that will help you.

Adrien Courdavault
DSP & Software engineer


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