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Author Topic: Workflow Suggestions  (Read 1973 times)


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Workflow Suggestions
« on: December 13, 2011, 08:28:56 pm »
Hi, i'm working on the spark since a few month now and i want to notice you some points which i think could facilitate the creativity flow...

1) Give the possiblity to increase the width and height of the editor window. Specially usefull for the top panel sequencer. Have the ability to increase the height of the track sequencer panel to be able to see more tracks at same time. Or more steps when patterns are setted on more than 1 measure.

2) Alternative to 1) would be a hide button for unused tracks in pattern editor

3) Shift left/right function in the sequencer editor for tracks modification

3) I think this one is critical for the workflow:
Improve instrument library/loading/navigation method and pre-listening function for user samples. And also maybe for analog and physical modeling already existing in projects if possible. A cubase mediabay style library at the right of the 3 top/center/bottom panels would be highly welcome.

In this way also, in library bottom panel, when editing current project and looking to import some instrument from a library project. It could be nice to be able to click on the icon of the library project instruments and listen the sound to facilitate the selection.

4) More special but should be usefull: add a mode for sensitive pads which give the possibility to have for a selected instrument 8 variations of pitch or any other selected parameter to create easilly some melodic drums. The 8 pads play the same instrument but at different settings of a parameter.



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