This is my last my workflow suggestions ;-) and bugs
a Browser

Nr1) to swap the Instruments inside category ( look Nr3 )
Nr2) on Click, the Listbox open, on next click it close.
Nr3) to change the Instrumentcategory
Nr4) Instruments ( click = preview , dobble click = load and close the Box.
cursor out of the listbox = close it too.
Nr5) swap the pages, when entries more then 16/32 ?!
Nr6) Art of Sound. ( blue = Sample, red = analog, yelow = physical Model )
adv. to sort of them
two new entries
Animation on / of ...and ... transparent on / of.
new Library
add genre ( only for pattern and banks)
- click on Image ( or patternbutton ) = preview ( spark starts ) and stop by click,
doubble click or edit button = load the next page ( no change )
this is the next page....

- import,export,save.... only for patterns and banks
- click on pattern = preview ( spark starts ) and stop by click, doubble click = change
- in the left (All) is a filter to limit the genre

now only for Instruments and sets.
- click on Image = preview ( spark starts ) and stop,
doubble click or edit button = load the next page ( no change )
this is the next page....

- import,export,save.... only for instruments and sets
- click on pattern = preview, doubble click = change
- in the left (All) is a filter to limit the art of drumkit

the projectpage, load the corresponding genre and drumkit.
- import,export,save.... only for projects

..... alternative all of one page
large size see here
add right mouse button to change the instruments or pattern
from the loaded range. left = copy.

bad bad blue ... :-)
CPU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... over 60% CPU when you show library
( and 12% at standby without samples and effects )
- too much

Spark start with A1 in my DAW.
Load with the last stand from the Daw where be good.
adv. the outher patternring swicht the Jog Dial
to scroll the patternlibery just as the instruments.
with hardware controler, its will work nice...
but without it in my DAW, the
seek message from spark nerves... ;-)
Automations bug - missing overwrite ( change Pattern )
load 80īs studio Drums . Start Spark with A 1
... switch to Library
transfer Alien Circut-Patternbank C >>> 80īs studio Drums - Patternbank A
whait a moment
transfer 80īs studio Drums - Bank A >>> 80īs studio Drums - Bank A
bye Eddi