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Author Topic: * Update 1.4 *  (Read 24398 times)


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* Update 1.4 *
« on: November 07, 2011, 10:00:30 am »
Dear Origin users,

We understand your frustration and your hope to see more coming on Origin.

The truth is that for economical reasons, Arturia has had to reallocate a part of the Origin engineering team to other projects. This is a temporary switch and Origin remains a central project within the company. Still, we must acknowledge that this team reduction has had an effect on the planning.

This being said we are also facing challenging technical issues and this is the second reason for the delay. Origin is a very complex product and each time we undertake the work for a new important update we may have to consider in-depth re-writing of some parts in the firmware. This was the case for this update. Some parts in this work have been rewritten already and this is taking much time as you can imagine.

We hope you can understand the situation and will bear with us.

yours faithfully,

Origin Lead  Developer


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2011, 12:47:58 pm »
Hello everybody,

When I saw this Philippe's post title, I thought that finaly we got something. But unfortunately this was not the case...

I must say that I appreciate his trying to give us some light to this situation, (to some point) I understand their reasons, but of course I don't like it. Most of us have paid over a 2000 euros for a product with promises and time-line to improve it. It's quite a lot more than those softwares with or without those controllers.

We waited till "end of October" and now we are back in zero again. Can you give us at least some idea, when 1.4 (or full 1.5) might be available? People get angry when promises won't hold but they get also angry when they can't get any real information. If you say it takes 6 months or years, then I can move my interest in somewhere else than checking this forum with a hope for an update.

There's something wrong with Arturia's "business model" cause their products are great but there so much frustration out there. In Origin's case I think we know what it is: they sold it to us with these ideas which was not there yet and with promises to get them soon. I think we really like our Origin but this makes us very unhappy...


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 04:13:14 pm »
thanx Phil for the updated information.


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2011, 08:09:28 pm »
Unbelievable  >:(


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2011, 10:55:37 am »
Thank you Phillipe,
So not this year right?
Just let us know that it wont come out this year or if it will!?


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2011, 01:09:54 pm »
shure,this is bad but think about. the spectralis from radical technoligies ,the update situation is much worst then here.  i waited years for an update!!!


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2011, 01:38:27 pm »
Thank you Phillipe,
So not this year right?
Just let us know that it wont come out this year or if it will!?

Not this year for sure.

To give an idea I've been myself re-assigned to an other project since the beginning of october for a period which is - today - estimated to 3 months. Knowing that we'll need 2 more months to restart the pending work on Origin, do the debug and run all tests that give you a possible release date at the beginning of march. Knowing what we know today there's a very small probability for this time to be shorter.
Origin Lead  Developer


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2011, 02:45:56 pm »
Dear people at Arturia,
Let me introduce myself a little: I'm 53 y.o. and I've been playing synthesizers for over 30 years. In all those years I've had over 50 different synths spread over a long period. They were from different brands, analog to digital, ARP to several Waldorfs and Korgs etc... So I was very pleased when Arturia brought out the Origin and started to almost daily check the forum. I'm not a poster on the forum, cause of the language barrier, reading it is not a problem though.
But with what I know now, I would have never EVER bouth the Origin for the 2500 euros that I paid for it! It probably wasn't that good of an idea to make a hardware synth, especially when you can't make it into a full product. Or do I have to say 'WANT TO'? Now there's writings about how you're going to make another product... Wouldn't it be a better idea towards your customers who paid so much to finish your first product before starting a new one???
I've never encountered something like this in my history of synths!! And you all find this so obvious?? You have made so many promises toward the buyers, but tricked us all! You made up a beautiful story, but it turned into a nightmare!
The economical reason that Philippe told is really weak! We've invested into Arturia, right? If you would have told the real vision of Arturia from the start, more people would have bought it. But I'm sure that potential customers changed their minds when they read on the forum (I wish I had)! That's normal, right? Who gives 2500 euro for something that's unfinished and  that will be this way for a loooooooong time!
So, people of Arturia, please be clear about it and please tell us when the Arturia will be a complete product, as you all promised. Be true to us, also on the forum and try to help out the costumors with the technical questions too (this does not have to be on daily base, but really, weeks before an answer?? come on). And don't hand out false promises, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!
That I'm not pleased by all this, you may have noticed by now, cause really, I'm fed up with this b*******t, and I know I'm not the only one! I'm sure you're losing potential costumers as we speak... read about it on the forum... if you have the time (sarcasm).
ps: I'm sure you're good in your software, but maybe you should find someone who can link the software and the hardware. I know that it's not that great of an idea economicaly speaking... so just keep us waiting a while longer.
 ??? ??? ???


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2011, 07:11:52 pm »
I'm with on this MoonP

I think most people who bought these Origins have truely been "HOODWINKED"


HaHaHa ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2011, 07:20:05 pm »
What I am worried perhaps most, is that Arturia's chosen "business model" is finaly jeopardizing the whole thing.They should know that nowadays customers aren't that stupid; they check forums and read reviews about the products they are thinking. And if a potential customer is thinking over 2000 euros product for sure he will do his checking. And as we very well know, this forum does not give just a nice picture of their flagship product.

Somebody might say that this not just Arturia's, other companies are same. To this I'd say few things:
First, companies like Roland are obviously busy to develop new things. For example, they did their flagship product V-piano which practically hasn't developed since its birth. (Fortunately I did not buy it!) But this is different to Arturia's flagship (our O). V-piano is completed product and they did NOT sell it with any promises.

Second, there are completely different companies with different business plan. I have no complaints for swedish keyboard maker Clavia (Nord), which is also quite small company like Arturia. I have two of their keyboards (one is around 2000e and other around 3000e, just to compare to O). This company is listening to its customers wishes (I have personally mailed with their product manager), giving updates very often, developing free sample libraries; (BTW they just released a new Oberheim sample set). With Clavia you have completely positive brand. If you wanna compare the feeling of discussion just check unofficial Nord user forum; it's hard to find any complaints about Clavia.

With Arturia I try to keep the faith but like others here, it's becoming harder and harder.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 07:26:07 pm by JacksonP »


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2011, 10:20:12 am »
Totally immoral, and one of the reasons I won't ever buy another Arturia product.

So bad.

And this "economical" excuse is pathetic. Basically they care more about making profit than the products and their customers. Exactly why they'll never be a market leader.

I hope the people high up at Arturia read these msgs and feel the anger towards them. Its a shame that the staff like Phillipe have to take all the heat. Its cowardly from the top and I'm surprised he's not more angry about it.


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2011, 11:50:33 am »
             well, you may not be surprised to find out that Spark also seems to have been born prematurely, though I must say I'm glad I bought it first rather than the Origin which I probably will never get now. It does seem strange that a company can sell products that aren't really finished which are endorsed by big name artists & producers & get away with it.
         Good luck all,........including all you @ Arturia,


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2011, 06:02:27 pm »
Two days ago I've got mail from Arturia, wanting me to buy their V-Collection with a limited offer.

No thanks, Arturia. Do your homework first (at least there are enough bugs in the Laboratory software, too) and then you'll get candy.


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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2011, 07:50:05 pm »
I own the Origin since about 2 years now and i'am happy with the current firmware, really strange...I might be the only one here  8)
I had the virus ti and guess what? it took about 2 years untill the ti integration was working flawlessly...I sold it because it's not the sound I was looking for.
I don't think that we ever will see a working vst integration here to be honest, but hey this synth sounds fantastic!
If you want to look at the screen while making music, buy some plugins.
And if you want more templates, I think a modular synth is not the one for you.
I played with most of the va synths currently available but the origin is exactly what I really like.
It just sounds sooo goood for a va synth and I don't have any technical problems with it, at least with the current firmware..

(I'am not working for arturia, I'am just a fan of the sound quality and features this synth has already, till now!)

So make music and don't wait for the next update...



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Re: * Update 1.4 *
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2011, 08:45:53 pm »

i will get my origin tomorrow or on Saturday and realy looking foward to it.:)

Why is this update so important? Sorry, i don`t know.
Got this maschine still got bugs that causes crashes or is it all about new filters and a new pc editor?

Anyway, maybe Arturia should release a beta update only for a good feeling on the costumers side this year. And than the main update next year.

Greets from germany


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