Few more bugs I'd like to report. These are found in official release 1.1.2
I'm using Spark as a plugin in Logic. The bugs are as follows:
1. Drum sound (usually on pad 1) Stops playing.
after a bit of investigating, I found its do to the following:
a. Volume for that pad is turn all the way down.
b. Pitch, decay, cuttoff, (basically all parameters) are randomly
changed as well. This causes you to loose any "tweaks" you may
have spent a lot of time getting just right. And there is no undo/redo function
so no chance of recovering previous settings.
2. Random notes triggered in a my sequence. They are not programmed in, yet a
random note is playing. I cannot even remove the notes, as they are like ghosts.
In this case its the crash on pad 12 in the DrumTrax kit. In other cases I've had notes
get randomly programmed in, but these I can at least remove from the sequence
because they were visible. this Is definitely a bug and makes the workflow come to a
complete stop.

So many great things in spark. but to many bugs for my taste. Hope to get this resolved soon. I'm willing to help any way I can.
Cesar G