Hello everyone!
I'd really like to know how to disable velocity completely because I absolutely don't need it at all, it messes up my drums like on the TR-707 as well as that knob motion. Can I just completely turn these two off? Because no matter how many times I save my DR-707 project, on the next launch of Cubase and my project velocity is automatically turned on again (these two knobs, one is with no name and the one below it saying "Velocity", when you klick on the "+" next to Snare drum or Bass drum). I don't want to manually turn these knobs off each time I start Cubase... In the preferences I already turned off "Enable default pad velocity". Do I have to turn off "Auto Turn Velocity"?
It really drives me mad, Spark always forces me to use velocity although I don't want to, I just want to concentrate on the real emulations of the drum machines and not all these extra effects.
Thanks in advance...