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Author Topic: CCs 71 and 17 cause CPU spikes in Ableton (And other ableton mapping)  (Read 3670 times)


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Hello All!

I just got my Analog Labratory today, I'm excited about the software but I really purchased it for the Midi Controller. The big selling points for me where 10 knobs instead of 8 like on most standard midi controllers and the Aux Pedal input.

Here is how I have some things set up and what I've discovered along the way.

The only way I could get the transport controls to MIDI map and respond in ableton was to use MIDI Notes. I do not use the transport controls in a typical fashion, I map them to the looper effect:

Play and Stop are self explanatory
I map the record button to select the looper device so I can see the GUI
I map the Rew to Undo
I map the Ffwd to x2 loop length
I map the overdub to Clear.
I map the Aux Pedal to the looper multi-purpose button

I map the sliders to channel volume and a couple of effects

I map the snapshot buttons to Arm some tracks
I map the Upper Lower Mod to be momentary on/off for some master effects

I map category knob to scene select and the knob press to scene launch

Other than changing the midi channel I haven't really changed the values of any of the controls from default (aside from the Transport MIDI Note thing explained above)

However I noticed that Midi CCs 71 (Resonance knob) and Midi CC 17 (Param 4) cause huge cpu spikes in Ableton. They aren't even mapped to anything yet!

So far I have changed CC 71 to 70 and that elliminates the spike for that control.

I just figured I'd share my experience so far to see if anyone else had this issue or if I may have some other mapping conflict causing it.


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Re: CCs 71 and 17 cause CPU spikes in Ableton (And other ableton mapping)
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 01:50:00 am »
Just figured it out, My AAS Lounge Lizard Plugin with Factory MIDI Links was responding to those knobs creating the spikes.


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