Hi all, dont know if anyone is having similar problems. I am having pad sensitivity issues

On my controller Pads 1 to 4 work like a dream, no problems at all playing 16ths, however pads 5 to 8 is another story. PLaying these pads I get dropouts for example I can hit pad 7 five times in a row and only get the pad to light up/response/sound once in five hits. THis is not a consistent but a random thing, in that sometimes the pad will work constantly, and then other times, it will do something like I have described in the above. Again this only is a problem from pads 5 to 8
Not sure if this is a hardware issue or a firmware issue?
Yes I am running the latest version of Spark
Yes I have updated the Spark Controller
Running Spark on a Macbook, software runs well
Thanks in advance