Thank you for your quick reply Kevin!
"About the 16 last steps, you can do that with the loop mode"
- I'll try it!
"About the snare drum compressing, is it happening on every project or just on some of them?"
- It is fallen to me yesterday when I work with the Spark and I'll keep it in mind!
"About the toms, the answer is NO. The only instruments that are linked are the HH"
- That's crazy, yesterday I loaded a Hihat in pad 7 (Low Tom) and another hihat / ride to Pad 6 (Mid Tom). The Hihat of pad 7, I have set to Step 15th, the Hihat of pad 6, I've also placed on Step 15, but Step 15 was not played!
Only when I took the Hihat of pad 7 from Step 15 down, the Hihat from pad 6
is playing all steps (including Step 15)!
I hope that is clear and understandable!

Is this a bug? I swear I've taken no drugs before and slept 8 hours!

(But perhaps you when programming the Spark?)
Maybe I should take some to come to the same level?
"About the pattern, I think that almost all of them has been programmed with Spark but Emilie could probably give a better answer than me."
- What do you mean?