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Author Topic: Technical question to the Spark step sequencer and others  (Read 3887 times)


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Technical question to the Spark step sequencer and others
« on: July 24, 2011, 10:58:02 pm »
Hello fathers of the Spark... ;)
If I set the sequencer on 32Steps, it is possible (for better programming) to run only the last 16 steps?
If not, that would be a practical update!
It is very complicated, to program the last 17-32 Steps, at the moment.  :-\

Also, I notice that when I turn the snare drum louder, the kick drum shall lower!
Without any compressor on a channel (not even in the master)!
Must it be so?  ???

What else? When I select a snare drum with the Jog Deal, the display does not show me the value of the volume knob when I turn the master volume!

Sometimes after using the pads/instruments 9-16, I can't  hear the kick drum from pad 1, I need to load them purely again! Many crazy things...

Is it correct that the Toms are linked together too?
So if I use the Mid Tom on the same step as the Low Tom, I hear only one of the two Toms.
I do not like that...
Please note for the next update! I would like to decide for myselves whether the hi-hats are linked together ... can not be that hard!

I wonder whether you have programmed beats with the Spark before you have published him. Sorry sometimes I do not think so ... :-\

« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 02:39:48 am by keplinger »


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Re: Technical question to the Spark step sequencer and others
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2011, 08:44:55 am »
Hi keplinger,
- About the 16 last steps, you can do that with the loop mode.
- About the snare drum compressing he kick, is it happening on every project or just on some of them?
- About the jog wheel and volume display, when you are using the jog wheel, all the other display are disabled.
- About the toms, the answer is NO. The only instruments that are linked are the HH.
- About the pattern, I think that almost all of them has been programmed with Spark but Emilie could probably give a better answer than me.

Soft Arturia


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Re: Technical question to the Spark step sequencer and others
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2011, 12:50:25 pm »
Thank you for your quick reply Kevin!

"About the 16 last steps, you can do that with the loop mode"

 - I'll try it!

"About the snare drum compressing, is it happening on every project or just on some of them?"

- It is fallen to me yesterday when I work with the Spark and I'll keep it in mind!

"About the toms, the answer is NO. The only instruments that are linked are the HH"

- That's crazy, yesterday I loaded a Hihat in pad 7 (Low Tom) and another hihat / ride to Pad 6 (Mid Tom). The Hihat of pad 7, I have set to Step 15th, the Hihat of pad 6, I've also placed on Step 15, but Step 15 was not played!
Only when I took the Hihat of pad 7 from Step 15 down, the Hihat from pad 6
is playing all steps (including Step 15)!
I hope that is clear and understandable!  :-*
Is this a bug? I swear I've taken no drugs before and slept 8 hours!  ;D
(But perhaps you when programming the Spark?)
Maybe I should take some to come to the same level?

"About the pattern, I think that almost all of them has been programmed with Spark but Emilie could probably give a better answer than me."

- What do you mean?
« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 12:58:02 pm by keplinger »


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Re: Technical question to the Spark step sequencer and others
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2011, 05:48:22 pm »
Thank you for your quick reply Kevin!

You're welcome  ;)

"About the toms, the answer is NO. The only instruments that are linked are the HH"

- That's crazy, yesterday I loaded a Hihat in pad 7 (Low Tom) and another hihat / ride to Pad 6 (Mid Tom). The Hihat of pad 7, I have set to Step 15th, the Hihat of pad 6, I've also placed on Step 15, but Step 15 was not played!
Only when I took the Hihat of pad 7 from Step 15 down, the Hihat from pad 6
is playing all steps (including Step 15)!
I hope that is clear and understandable!  :-*
Is this a bug? I swear I've taken no drugs before and slept 8 hours!  ;D
(But perhaps you when programming the Spark?)
Maybe I should take some to come to the same level?

If you load an Hi-Hat to another instrument, it becomes an hi-hat and it is added to the linked list.
A workaround for this is to change the instrument type to something else.

"About the pattern, I think that almost all of them has been programmed with Spark but Emilie could probably give a better answer than me."

- What do you mean?

I said this because you thought that Spark's beats were not programed with Spark.

Soft Arturia


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Re: Technical question to the Spark step sequencer and others
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2011, 06:38:43 pm »
And how do I change the instrument type?  :)

It may be that my English (including Google translate) is not always understandable, I'm sorry. for this...
With the beat programing was different thought...


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Re: Technical question to the Spark step sequencer and others
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2011, 10:57:41 am »
In the instrument view.
At the top left, there is a drop down menu that allow you to choose the type.
Soft Arturia


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Re: Technical question to the Spark step sequencer and others
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2011, 12:12:35 pm »
Thank you! I've just tested and it works!  ;)


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