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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: a little thing but I'm confused.  (Read 2740 times)


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a little thing but I'm confused.
« on: June 29, 2011, 02:55:04 am »
So when I launch Pro Tools 9 and I open up the APR2600V2 plug in i get the normal screen. When I then click on the menu to select a bank preset I get a Yellow outline around each of the four slider tracks for VCO1 and around the slider tracks of  Int. Osc. Frequency and the fine tune track above  VCo1.
It does not seem to effect anything but I find it curious that it happens.
The outline stays that way until I close the plugin.
Wish I could upload the screenshots I took then you would see what I am talking about.
Anyway, thanks.


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