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Author Topic: outputting SPARK patterns to KONTAKT plugin in LOGIC PRO  (Read 7159 times)


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outputting SPARK patterns to KONTAKT plugin in LOGIC PRO
« on: May 27, 2011, 07:53:16 pm »
OK, the only problem now is to be able to run the patterns that I create on SPARK to run my samples in KONTAKT, can anyone help me with that procedure ? thanks very much. ;D


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Re: outputting SPARK patterns to KONTAKT plugin in LOGIC PRO
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 11:01:55 pm »
run the patterns that I create on SPARK to run my samples in KONTAKT
The easiest way (to me) is to drag'n'drop the patterns to the DAW's track.

Either as pattern .wav "loops" (well, audio clips. The pattern is auto rendered to audio by Spark on-the-fly) or as MIDI (in this case you can even apply this to a Bank).

You can also Export to the file system, using the export option, if the target app doesn't support the drop part of drag'n'drop.

Reading the manual is always the first step to know... stuff ;)

EDIT: I guess Arturia needs to do some Tutorials and "How to..." videos, based on these questions.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 02:47:00 pm by Koshdukai »


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Re: outputting SPARK patterns to KONTAKT plugin in LOGIC PRO
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2011, 04:37:42 am »
well, if I cannot properly map the controller to KONTAKT, and interactively play the pattern, how can I edit myself as I go along ? I guess I don't need this thing then if I just wanted to sequence it in the piano roll in Logic, or drop the pattern in....I'd like to have it map (like GM, iMap, Vdrum) to one of these standards so I can hear wtf I'm sequencing...if you see that in the manual I'll be glad to follow the instructions, I don't see ANY "how to" in the manual...except "cmd click on PAD" (that is the whole of the instructions in this manual)...why is there no MIDI Learn ? I've got gear that's 6-7 yrs old that has MIDI Learn...the idea is to bang out the drums, HENCE "DRUM MACHINE", play it back in Logic to the kits that are in my software libraries...if you can't tell me explicitly how to do that from start to finish, then you are in the wrong line of work.


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Re: outputting SPARK patterns to KONTAKT plugin in LOGIC PRO
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2011, 04:41:36 am »
I can go and buy an AKAI XR20 and I can, within 2minutes, successfully map it to play patterns in KONTAKT or BATTERY. I assumed that since this is "Universal MIDI" that it would work in a similar fashion...but it doesn't...


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Re: outputting SPARK patterns to KONTAKT plugin in LOGIC PRO
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2011, 02:23:40 pm »
if you can't tell me explicitly how to do that from start to finish, then you are in the wrong line of work.
You don't know what's my line of work. I'm just a user of their products, just like you seem to be, participating on a user oriented forum.

Although some of the things you complain about are true and need some improvements, your attitude does nothing to make me want to loose my time trying to help you. Sorry.

I'll just say this, hoping that is enough to help you: if I want to use the patterns I designed with Spark on another app with that app's sounds/samples, I usually export them as MIDI file and import it on the other app, do some adjustments to the notes (usually dragging them 2 octaves down) and I'm done.

This process of export+import can be done quicker if using drag'n'drop from Bottom\Library\Edit section.

As I said, some stuff in Spark still needs improvements, like being able to export as GM and avoiding the octave fixing it needs to happen now. I've suggested a "Export Mapping" option, besides the Import options we already have in Top\Preferences\MIDI Import/Export section.

The thing I do the most is exporting audio renderings of the patterns to be used as loops, using Spark's own sounds. If there's a sample set I want to use, I simply make a Spark Kit out of my own samples and use it in Spark.

Drag'n'Dropping audio renderings of patterns directly into ReCycle is a blessing to quickly make REX loops of those.

Now... if nothing of this helps and you can calmly and clearly explain what is that you're trying to do, without needless complaining, then maybe it'll be easier to help or to quickly come to the conclusion that it might be something Spark's not designed to do or that it's a needed missing feature that we (the users) need to suggest to Arturia to show up on a future version.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 04:19:25 pm by Koshdukai »


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Re: outputting SPARK patterns to KONTAKT plugin in LOGIC PRO
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2011, 02:36:18 pm »
well, if I cannot properly map the controller to KONTAKT, and interactively play the pattern, how can I edit myself as I go along ? I guess I don't need this thing then if I just wanted to sequence it in the piano roll in Logic, or drop the pattern in....I'd like to have it map (like GM, iMap, Vdrum) to one of these standards so I can hear wtf I'm sequencing..

if you want to use Spark's controller as a generic MIDI controller of another app, use Spark MIDI Control Center to map every pad, button and knob to whatever your target app needs.

Should Arturia have some maps already available for well know apps ? Yes. but... keep in mind, Spark's not even out yet (btw, how do you have Spark already prior to June's 1st !?)

If you're asking how to get MIDI out of Spark's software sequencer for it to control other plug-ins, then I'm not aware that this is possible, since Spark's sequencer (i.e. the software) only output's audio, not MIDI, but... I could be wrong.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 04:17:58 pm by Koshdukai »


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Re: outputting SPARK patterns to KONTAKT plugin in LOGIC PRO
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2011, 09:29:06 am »
thanks very much for your help, I'm sorry about the way I phrased my inquiries, I'm just getting frustrated with what I perceive as a poorly written manual, a forum that wouldn't even accept reports of issues until after the product was on the market, and a general dissatisfaction with what I was hoping to be a much more developed and documented product.
I didn't mean to put the heat on you and I did incorrectly address you as someone who i thought may have been a staff member. I really appreciated your help, and for your time in trying to help me answer the questions that I posed.  ;)


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Re: outputting SPARK patterns to KONTAKT plugin in LOGIC PRO
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2011, 10:56:06 am »
No worries :)

As I said, I agree that Spark still has some areas that it could "grow" even though, as a V.1.0 (ok, 1.1.1 ;)) it's actually a very good hybrid product (software+hardware) from the start.

I kinda understand how difficult it may be to anticipate every case in the manual, so this forum and the Support Knowledge Base should prove to be a good resource in the future, as the user base grows and users start to help each other out either with tips'n'tricks or suggestions to Arturia to make this an even better product :)

...one of the suggestions that I see would be very helpful, while reading a lot of your questions, is indeed some quick video tutorials or demo cases, showing how to do, what it does and what's it for, because sometimes, some products aren't correctly perceived as to what they do or should do.

Anwyay... I really hope that you found a way to get around your issues and feel free to post any others. If I know anything that can help, I'll drop in a line or two, although the Arturia staff looks to be very "on top of things" in regards to the newest "baby": Spark ;)


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